Happy Father's Day!
We went to church this morning and the buds were on the rosebush. When we came home, a surprise, one sweet bud had bloomed. First rose of the season.

The yarrow is doing beautifully and is making me long for more of it, to fill the color spaces, while we wait for the other blooms.
Is this sweet white flower a weed or something I planted last year and forgot? Not sure, anyone have a guess? It is pretty, very tall and in clutches.
Bellflowers are huge this year.

Awaiting my lillies, daisies and hot pokers, all still growing. You can see more of the garden here.
Happy Bloom Day.
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May Dreams Gardens
Cedar Hill Farmhouse
How lovely! I've always wanted to grow roses, but having a black thumb I felt I was better suited to flowers that practically grow themselves (like zinnias). The white flower looks a bit like fleabane, a common wildflower.
Beautiful blossoms!
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