
Monday, October 19, 2015

Retreat vs Vacation

Hello my friends...

It has been a long time and I am ready to be back! The hiatus was necessary on many fronts and the hand is feeling much better.  

I recently was blessed to attend the National Sisterhood of Presvyteres Retreat in Navasota Texas. Let me say Thank you to my wonderful community for making it possible and our hosts for all the southern hospitality! Presvyteres Renee and Anna certainly are quite a team and everyone in attendance had a wonderful time. 

So why a retreat as opposed to a vacation?

Friday, June 12, 2015

Feeder Friday

This little spark of color caught my eye while I was at the sink the other day.

What is that?

So what do I do? Of course, grab the camera.
And then it turned around and I saw it.
So exciting, it doesn't take much, right?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sunday School Teacher Gifts-Free Printable

It's that time again.
The time of year to express our gratitude to all those who work so tirelessly for the benefit of others.
Last year, these are the little tokens offered to our Church School to express the sentiment.

Here's how I made them.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Patriotic Hosta

Big Hosta divided.

Did this actually on Memorial Day Weekend last year! 
But just getting to post about it now.

When working on the front garden beds remember the big hot mess it was?
Trying to tidy it up and make room for the catmint, 
had me needing to work something out.

Well, I worked it and removed a huge hosta, I think it's called Patriotic Hosta.

I divided it into 7 pieces.
Yup that's right!
I got 7 new hostas to grow from one!
Yippee, nothing like free plants, eh?

Monday, May 18, 2015

If you're Greek...time to start thinking of festival season.

If you're Greek...or even if you're not...
it's time to start thinking of festival season.

Yes indeed it is.

If you are Greek or belong to a Greek Orthodox Church you know exactly what I mean. As soon as Easter/Pascha has been celebrated... the baking begins!

What are classic parts of the festival, other than the fantastic time with each other?

Well, there's the food.

And then there's the food.

Umm, did I mention the food?

There's the dancing and music.

Then, there's the Agora (the village store). 

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Return and Bloom Day Combined

One nice thing of returning after a trip, 
is that sometimes something you have been waiting for, happens.

Our sweet hummingbirds have returned. There are three of them, two girls again and one boy who are frequenting the feeders. This year they are doing something new...

It is so sweet they are resting not up in the oak tree, but in the blooming azalea.
Here are a couple of pics.

They are so sweet and the colors of the azaleas this year are so vivid, after this long...long winter.

They do make me smile.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sandwiches anyone?

Hello my friends, excuse my absence...
life occurs and my attention has been needed elsewhere.

One day I may share it all with you, 
but for now I will catalogue the last 3 weeks in our family as: 

one set of crutches
one emergency room visit (should of been two)
one hospitalization
numerous Xrays and CTscans of various body parts of different individuals
two surgeon appointments 
and a (YEH!) one new rolling walker

Needless to say, my sweet sister and I feel like this


Yes, a sandwich with a bite taken out for good measure.
Most appropriate image I could find.  We both need a vacation.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Joyous Feast-Pascha Moments and Updates

A beautiful joyous feast to all.  
From Holy Saturday at Midnight until this upcoming Sunday, is one day! 

Check out these cool Pascha Chocolates!

Actually found these while we were heading to the awesome Metropolis of Boston Retreat Center for the National Presbytera Retreat. It was a fantastic time and the facilities are so beautiful and staff are very engaging and attentive.
Next retreat is in October in Texas, mark your calendars!!!
Can't wait to see all my Sister-Presbyteres, it truly is a sisterhood.

We stopped at this grocery in Concord that turned out to be divine. 
I found these, they made me giggle. I've been wanting to share them for a long time.

Here are some of our beautiful flowers from our Kouvouklion.
They are still aromatic.

I made this wreath on Holy Friday, after helping with the flowers for the Kouvouklion.
This year we weren't able to get bay leaves and these gorgeous lemon branches came instead.
These were left over and so before heading to the Apokothelisis service (the Un-Nailing), 
I was able to tie this together. Not as structured, sort of whimsical?

Too big? What do you think?

Friday, April 10, 2015

The World Weeps

Icon from The Life of Christ in Icons Board Book by Marina Paliak 2011

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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Today we celebrate, wave those palms.

Not sure of the original source, if you know it, contact me please, to allow proper credit. Thank you to the sweet soul that shared it with me and gave me a BIG smile and laugh.

Have a Blessed Holy Week!
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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy April Fool's Day!

Well, it seems like pranks happen to be a big part of our lives lately? Our son couldn't wait for April Fool's and so in the past 2 weeks, we have had frozen cereal served, cotton balls in shoes, pull poppers on the doors and an elastic band over the faucet hose. Needless to say, gales of giggles have followed.

So this morning it was my turn.

Pretzel fish on the fish tank.
(recently all our mollies went to the big fish tank)

At lunch time, he opened up his lunchbox to find?

In addition to his regular lunch, an old banana and a bag full of nothing!

It was a big hit at the elementary lunch table.

Then when he got home from school for his after school snack.
Dog biscuit cookies were served.
Don't be worried, they are chocolate chip.

Did you play any pranks today?

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

From the Little Fields of Basil Bookshelf:My Yellow Balloon

My Yellow Balloon
Author: Tiffany Papageorge
Illustrator:  Erwin Madrid 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Most Holy Theotokos Intercede for Us

Xronia Polla! Happy Annunciation to All!

It's a beautiful day, it is always a beautiful day when we celebrate the sweet Mother of God, 
Most Holy Theotokos.

I have been asked why we celebrate her as we do.
It's simple.

She is the Mother of God. 
She is the one who accepted God's will as her own, without trepidation.
She is the one who prays for us, the way every mother prays for her children and intercedes for us, the way a mother intercedes when their child needs support or understanding.

‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.’ 
Luke 1:24-38

There are so many ways to apply this to your life everyday.

 'For nothing will be impossible with God.’
Luke 1:24-38 

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

20 Orthodox Crafts for Lent and Other Times

With Holy Week approaching here are ways to help our littles.  Looking for a fun craft to add to your church school lesson or perhaps a Lenten retreat or just someway to reinforce the lessons of the season at home? You are not going to believe this post! I gathered my favorite Orthodox crafts, all one place, to make it easier to pick.

  Whoo hoo, let the fun begin!!

If you like what you see and wish to pin it, please be courteous and take from the source post, give credit to these incredible people who inspire us. Photo heavy post after the jump.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Special Tea Cookies

It's tea time again. Recently made these for a special event at our parish. It was an extraordinary event and a beautiful time with our ladies. We are so blessed to have them all.

If you remember I had made these before, sort of, so these were the inspiration . But since it was a tea event, naturally I wanted to incorporate, you guessed it tea.  So I decided I wanted to add my favorite flavors, Lavender and Earl Grey.

There's quite a few pictures that will follow the jump.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Raise your Cross

Cross projects are always fun and can be easy or complex.  
This one is very satisfying and easy for little hands.  

I wish I could show you the ear to ear grins.  Once completed these look beautiful in the windows.  Make them with your children at home or at church school. Ours stayed up in the window for the longest time, I think until we moved?

Supplies needed are construction paper, scissors or exacto knife, tissue paper and clear contact paper.
Pair this with a lesson about the Cross and singing the hymn together.  

Monday, March 9, 2015

Lenten Recipe Roundup

I've been looking back at my recipes from last year and decided to do another recap. So, here's an easy link to each of last year's recipes for Lent. All veggie, many vegan. Be sure to check back for the Lenten Orthodox Crafts and more recipes, posting soon! There are quite a few pictures after the jump.  ENJOY!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pink and White

YES, it still feels and looks like winter,
spring will eventually be here.
We are almost there.
Our ladies society at church recently had a tea and I was given these lovelies.
They fill the kitchen with a beautiful aroma, sweet and full of spring.

Many are hoping for spring and renewal. In Greek, many times there are single words that encapsulate multiple meanings. The word I'm thinking of means patience, strength, perseverance, taking things in stride. This is something not only we all need for waiting for spring but also for many events in our lives. I think of recent events and I pray for...


Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, 
is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, 
and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

The funeral arrangements have been made and there are several places, here and here,  to assist Presbytera Kate and the Baker family.

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Great Sadness-Memory Eternal

"With a very heavy heart, His Eminence informs you of the untimely passing of the Rev. Fr. Matthew Baker, who tragically died in a car accident early this evening. Fr. Matthew was recently assigned to the Holy Trinity Parish of Norwich, CT, following the retirement of Fr. Paul Pantelis. During this evening's snow storm, Fr. Baker was traveling home from the parish when he had an accident from which he did not survive. His children who were traveling in the car with Fr. Matthew are thankfully not injured. The Metropolitan spoke directly with Presbytera Katherine a few moments ago and expressed the love and sympathy of the entire Metropolis and assured her of our prayers, presence and support.
More information will be forthcoming tomorrow.  Please join His Eminence as we pray for Fr. Matthew's eternal repose. We pray for Presbytera Kate, their six beautiful children, Fr. Matthew's mother and their entire family, that the Lord surround them in His comforting and peaceful embrace. May he rest in peace! May his memory be eternal!" Metropolis of Boston

More information will be shared by His Eminence and the Metropolis.
In the meantime, to assist this special family, a fund has been set up at

Sharing this with great sadness, our hearts and prayers go out to the Baker family.
Please share this information, as we try to support this sweet family.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Surviving Lent

How to get through Lent? How to get through Holy Week? 

I have been asked these questions before, more than once, in lots of different ways.  It usually eludes to fasting as we near the beginning or end of it and the anticipation of the feast ahead.  

Isn't that Christian life, perseverance and anticipation?  So, the only way to "get through", is to do it joyfully.  Fasting is not a chore or punishment, it is but a tool.  A tool and exercise to reinforce in us perseverance and humility.

So how to get through these periods? Simple, it is the way we are to get through all the rest of the year.
Joyfully with prayer, repeating the prayer of the heart.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on Me, The Sinner.

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

We Begin

To Forgive:

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is a verb meaning to stop feeling anger and blaming. In Greek, the meaning is more to willingly show favor, grant pardon and exercise grace. Each year on Forgiveness Sunday, we look back and forgive and look forward once more,  one more opportunity to examine what is true and how we may grow from it.

Forgive Me.
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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Somedays it the little things that make you smile

And slowly I turned...

step by step...

and there he a little King of the Jungle.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dreaming of a Green Spring

Think of the title set to I'm dreaming of a White Christmas and you will get mood for the day.

Just because the snow is thick outside, a girl can't help dreaming about the garden underneath it.
It's not too early to start planning and actually in about 8 weeks we need to get the seeds started.
I'm starting to think about other than beauty in my garden, some more herbal pursuits.
Any favorites I should consider this year?

What about your pursuits?
Have you started planning your garden?
What are you dreaming about?

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