
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pink and White

YES, it still feels and looks like winter,
spring will eventually be here.
We are almost there.
Our ladies society at church recently had a tea and I was given these lovelies.
They fill the kitchen with a beautiful aroma, sweet and full of spring.

Many are hoping for spring and renewal. In Greek, many times there are single words that encapsulate multiple meanings. The word I'm thinking of means patience, strength, perseverance, taking things in stride. This is something not only we all need for waiting for spring but also for many events in our lives. I think of recent events and I pray for...


Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, 
is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, 
and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

The funeral arrangements have been made and there are several places, here and here,  to assist Presbytera Kate and the Baker family.

Share the Day


  1. Good Afternoon Eleni, I just received a bunch of these beautiful flowers and I placed them in my living room. As you say the perfume is delightful.
    Have a lovely afternoon.
    Best Wishes

    1. Very true! Now the question is whether it is because they are just so much sweeter this year? Or due to winter sensory olfactory deprivation disorder?

  2. I am touched by the verse.
    I'm sure alot of us experience the same feeling with regard to the recent loss in our Church.
    I'm thankful for our sisterhood.
    Love always!


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