
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Joyous Feast-Pascha Moments and Updates

A beautiful joyous feast to all.  
From Holy Saturday at Midnight until this upcoming Sunday, is one day! 

Check out these cool Pascha Chocolates!

Actually found these while we were heading to the awesome Metropolis of Boston Retreat Center for the National Presbytera Retreat. It was a fantastic time and the facilities are so beautiful and staff are very engaging and attentive.
Next retreat is in October in Texas, mark your calendars!!!
Can't wait to see all my Sister-Presbyteres, it truly is a sisterhood.

We stopped at this grocery in Concord that turned out to be divine. 
I found these, they made me giggle. I've been wanting to share them for a long time.

Here are some of our beautiful flowers from our Kouvouklion.
They are still aromatic.

I made this wreath on Holy Friday, after helping with the flowers for the Kouvouklion.
This year we weren't able to get bay leaves and these gorgeous lemon branches came instead.
These were left over and so before heading to the Apokothelisis service (the Un-Nailing), 
I was able to tie this together. Not as structured, sort of whimsical?

Too big? What do you think?

After a successful egg hunt (over 400 eggs) at church, on Agape Sunday.

Guess what I did?
Yup! Got the spit and the lamb ready, GREEK-STYLE!

Ok, well it's not a whole lamb, just chunks but it turned out super and all who partook were pleased.

Also made these glazed meats in the crockpot, so easy and super yummy.
Definitely will be sharing the recipe with you soon.

Ok, I have a boy.
This was NOT his lambatha (Easter Candle).

This was one of two little mermaids on pink candles for two of our beautiful little twins, in the parish.
Isn't this absolutely adorable????

I could not resist getting a picture.
They did fantastic, all the children did.
So many little ones this year at Midnight services and for the brunch that followed. 

How was  your celebration?
Christ is Risen!

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