
Monday, March 16, 2015

Special Tea Cookies

It's tea time again. Recently made these for a special event at our parish. It was an extraordinary event and a beautiful time with our ladies. We are so blessed to have them all.

If you remember I had made these before, sort of, so these were the inspiration . But since it was a tea event, naturally I wanted to incorporate, you guessed it tea.  So I decided I wanted to add my favorite flavors, Lavender and Earl Grey.

There's quite a few pictures that will follow the jump.

I brought together the ingredients, white chocolate, culinary lavender and earl grey tea leaves.
Used my sugar dough recipe and made the cups in a mini cupcake pan. Added the handles using more white chocolate and pretzel pieces. It takes time but looks so sweet when it's all done.

To make the filling I started by letting the lavender infuse in the cream overnight.  And then added some coloring and the tea leaves when I heated it. After filling the cups, it was time for the icing.

Lavender Earl Grey Ganache

3 cups white chocolate chips
1 cup light creme
2 tsp culinary lavender
2 tsp earl grey tea leaves

Place lavender in creme overnight. When you are ready, heat creme over low heat, then bring to an almost boil and place tea to steep while its heating. Pretend you are making milk for Hot Choco. Once it bubbles on the side, don't let it burn, remove from heat and pour over the chocolate. Stir to melt the chips and then spoon into cups. You can add a little food coloring anywhere in the process.

The initial colors were so pretty but after heating they became dulled.
It looked less lavender and more creamy.  So I needed to add more color.

I didn't have a pastry bag and improvised with sandwich bags. I do not recommend it.
This was not so easy. And then the bag popped!

Ahhh the memories. See how I antiqued the picture?
Just for the nostalgia, good times, good times.

Yeh! All filled and fancified! (New word, just made it up)
After they were all filled and iced I decided to add some little pearl bubbles. 
Can you pick out my favorite one?

See how this one has a two tone on the filling, with the little delicate edible pariel pearls.
Yup, this was my fave.

Here they all are, all dolled up.
I was so happy, they were a hit!

In the end, they looked sweet but tasted sweeter, if I do say myself. The cookie cups were crunchy and not too buttery. The filling was sweet white chocolate with a flavor of Earl Grey which wasn't overpowered by the lavender. They didn't look perfect and weren't all the exact size but I guess that was part of the charm, right?

Here they are at the event.
I can't wait to make them again.
I think I may make another batch of these for our Easter Brunch?
Maybe, there is a way to make them Lenten? Hmmm?

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  1. These are so pretty!! Such a lovely idea to make them into little teacups! We're hosting a baby shower brunch for my sister in law next month and I have to try these.
    I host a link party called Your Turn To Shine every Thursday-Monday. If you're interested in stopping by sometime and sharing some of your projects there I'd really love to have you, Eleni!

    1. They would be great for a shower, let me know how they turn out for you! I LOVE to party, heading over now, thanks for the invite.


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