
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Red, White and Blue Danishes

Getting ready for July 4th.
Last year we were headed for a celebration breakfast, 
before the parade. Obviously I wanted to bring something yummy for the potluck.
So decided to make a version of the Strawberry Danish.
The fruits used were fresh raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.
Take a peek, they were super yumm.
What are you planning?

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Cedar Hill Farmhouse



Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Thinking about Window Boxes: Part Two

So, I have been trying to make window box plantings last for quite a while.  They always die. They dry out because it is just too hot in the full sun, etc. It's been quite pathetic.  

I have these beautiful window boxes and have had to put (dare I say it)...fake flowers in them.  Yes, I succumbed to fake flowers last year. There are no pictures.  I wish I could erase the memory of it.

Don't think less of me? Are you? Maybe just a little? It's ok.

So as I was getting ready this winter for planning my 10 weeks of blissful gardening.  Yes, I dream of my garden - all winter long.  Hence the garden journal this year. So I made a pinterest board called Through the glass.  Here are some faves, that I was considering for inspiration.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Most Amazing Night

We had an exceptionally warm evening last night.  We also got to see quite a light show!

The fireflies were out en masse, it was phenomenal. We didn't take pictures just enjoyed the show.
It was so much fun, sitting by our dining room window together in the dark.
We watched them, counted them and even named some of them.

Blink, blink, blinky blink.

Definitely worth being late for bedtime.

Fireflies in the Garden

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.

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Cedar Hill Farmhouse


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thinking about window boxes: Part One

I love window boxes. I'm not sure why? Perhaps it's because you can see and sometimes smell the beautiful flowers, while inside the house? Perhaps it's because it reminds me of my Yiayia's home, she didn't have window boxes but a big raised concrete planter wall filled with geraniums and begonias. 

On the years we couldn't spend the summer with her in Greece, she would mail us petals in her letters. I always looked forward to those sweet little colorful petals. Sometimes, it was whole pressed flowers placed inside the paper, written in blue pen on super thin tissue-like letter paper.  This is an art that is being lost by the way.

(Tangential thought being shared here)
The art of letter writing, the art pressing flowers, the art of making connections, somehow I feel like we all have to work harder at it these days. I strive to slow down and appreciate the little acts of beauty around me.  Perhaps, this is why so many of us blog? To try to help the world slow down for a nanosecond and notice the beauty around us.
(ok now it's ended)

The aroma of geraniums always take me back.  Our Yiayia would also put pots in the deep window sills, her little patio was a wonder of color, shade, aroma and love.

What aromas of spring and summer bring back beautiful memories for you?

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

June Bloom Day

Happy Father's Day!

We went to church this morning and the buds were on the rosebush. When we came home, a surprise, one sweet bud had bloomed. First rose of the season.

The yarrow is doing beautifully and is making me long for more of it, to fill the color spaces, while we wait for the other blooms.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pentecost and Kites

Pentecost was this past Sunday. It started with a beautiful liturgy, followed by the Kneeling Vespers and an evening with 800 of our closest friends and our Hierarch for dinner.  In between we were able to squeeze in some kite flying.  Made at school and one of the most awesome kites I have ever seen. SO MUCH FUN! What's Pentecost without squeezing in some kite flying after all.

Did you do anything special to help the little people celebrate the day?

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Made in the Shade

How Does your Garden Grow-2014

Last year I took you on a tour of some of my favorite gardens, if you would like to visit them go here and here and here.  I visited a new one this past week. It is gorgeous.  It's a neighbor in the next town over who sells plants from his garden when he needs to divide his perennials.  Seriously, this is a work of art and love.

This was in the middle of the morning. There was a gentle breeze and sweetest aroma of fresh cut grass and Viburnum.