
Monday, June 9, 2014

Made in the Shade

How Does your Garden Grow-2014

Last year I took you on a tour of some of my favorite gardens, if you would like to visit them go here and here and here.  I visited a new one this past week. It is gorgeous.  It's a neighbor in the next town over who sells plants from his garden when he needs to divide his perennials.  Seriously, this is a work of art and love.

This was in the middle of the morning. There was a gentle breeze and sweetest aroma of fresh cut grass and Viburnum.

I'm having a case of serious Hosta infatuation.  Look at these colors, they look so dreamy.
How many types of Hosta do you have in the garden?

I've worked so much on the sun areas of our garden, this is a fantastic inspiration to turn to focus on the future of the shade garden on the north side of the house.

What is your favorite sun or shade?

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Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Jennifer Rizzo

1 comment:

  1. I love the shade garden so much more! IOne whole side of my yard is shade with dappled sun. I have lots of varieties of hosta in it with other shade plants. The weeds don't seem to grow in the shade as fast! I love different varieties of ferns in the shade too! Your pictures are beautiful!


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