
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thinking about window boxes: Part One

I love window boxes. I'm not sure why? Perhaps it's because you can see and sometimes smell the beautiful flowers, while inside the house? Perhaps it's because it reminds me of my Yiayia's home, she didn't have window boxes but a big raised concrete planter wall filled with geraniums and begonias. 

On the years we couldn't spend the summer with her in Greece, she would mail us petals in her letters. I always looked forward to those sweet little colorful petals. Sometimes, it was whole pressed flowers placed inside the paper, written in blue pen on super thin tissue-like letter paper.  This is an art that is being lost by the way.

(Tangential thought being shared here)
The art of letter writing, the art pressing flowers, the art of making connections, somehow I feel like we all have to work harder at it these days. I strive to slow down and appreciate the little acts of beauty around me.  Perhaps, this is why so many of us blog? To try to help the world slow down for a nanosecond and notice the beauty around us.
(ok now it's ended)

The aroma of geraniums always take me back.  Our Yiayia would also put pots in the deep window sills, her little patio was a wonder of color, shade, aroma and love.

What aromas of spring and summer bring back beautiful memories for you?

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  1. Oh, how lovely to receive those from your yia yia! It made me smile just to read this. :)

  2. Thanks Matushka. Making someone smile is wonderful especially glad it gave you one. Good Strength!


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