
Saturday, March 1, 2014

40 Days-40 Lenten Recipes: The Recap

Last year, I had a challenge for myself of not only keeping the fast, but also blogging daily for 40 days of recipes, to help share the day.  It was a challenge, I will admit, not being a daily blogger, it was tough! When I mean tough, think how exhausted Julie Powell of "Julie and Julia" was, lying on the couch. She worked, she cooked, she blogged. For me, add trying to make church services, a child and a few other important demands on my time.

Kudos to all those who post daily. You are all superwomen! For me, I am so excited that this year there is help on the horizon. The help is that of my beautiful and sweet guest writers, who will be with us to share the Lenten day. Not only recipes will be shared this year, but also Lenten crafts, activities and family time.  The purpose of this series, is not about the food, it's about helping make it easier to focus on the real things we need to focus on.  If you are new to fasting, walk before you run. If wish to join us, there is still time. Email me at preseleni(at)gmail(dot)com, to share some ways to make help this be a blessed Lenten season. Kali Sarakosti!

The remainder of this post is photo heavy, be prepared.
It will link to all 40 recipes of Lent 2013, to see recipe/posting, click on the name of the recipe.
If you like what you see, please leave a comment, don't be shy, I love reading them.
Share the Day!

Recipe #1

Recipe #2

Recipe #3

Recipe #4

Recipe #5

Recipe #6

Recipe #7

Recipe #8

Recipe #9

Recipe #10

Recipe #11

Recipe #12

Recipe #13

Recipe #14

Recipe #15

Recipe #16

Recipe #17


Recipe #19

Recipe #20

Recipe #21

Recipe #22

Recipe #23

Recipe #24

Recipe #25

Recipe #26

Recipe #27

Recipe #28

Recipe #29

Recipe #30

Recipe #31

Recipe #32

Recipe #33
Prasorizo (Leeks and Rice)

Recipe #34

Recipe #35

Recipe #36

Recipe #37

Recipe #38

Recipe #39

Recipe #40

So, what's on your menu?
Share the Day!

Sharing the Day with

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