
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Surviving Lent

How to get through Lent? How to get through Holy Week? 

I have been asked these questions before, more than once, in lots of different ways.  It usually eludes to fasting as we near the beginning or end of it and the anticipation of the feast ahead.  

Isn't that Christian life, perseverance and anticipation?  So, the only way to "get through", is to do it joyfully.  Fasting is not a chore or punishment, it is but a tool.  A tool and exercise to reinforce in us perseverance and humility.

So how to get through these periods? Simple, it is the way we are to get through all the rest of the year.
Joyfully with prayer, repeating the prayer of the heart.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on Me, The Sinner.

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

We Begin

To Forgive:

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is a verb meaning to stop feeling anger and blaming. In Greek, the meaning is more to willingly show favor, grant pardon and exercise grace. Each year on Forgiveness Sunday, we look back and forgive and look forward once more,  one more opportunity to examine what is true and how we may grow from it.

Forgive Me.
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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Somedays it the little things that make you smile

And slowly I turned...

step by step...

and there he a little King of the Jungle.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dreaming of a Green Spring

Think of the title set to I'm dreaming of a White Christmas and you will get mood for the day.

Just because the snow is thick outside, a girl can't help dreaming about the garden underneath it.
It's not too early to start planning and actually in about 8 weeks we need to get the seeds started.
I'm starting to think about other than beauty in my garden, some more herbal pursuits.
Any favorites I should consider this year?

What about your pursuits?
Have you started planning your garden?
What are you dreaming about?

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Friday, February 13, 2015

True Love

True Love is able to shine through every single barrier.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Coffee Hour Buffet

The time has come again. Each year I like to host coffee hour in February. There are many reasons why the early part of February is important to me and I see this as a special offering.  I try each year to have some great standby's like bagels and try some new things too.

Last year, I posted what the contenders for the Coffee Hour were and then Lent was upon us and I never posted what I actually made. Go figure.  Here are some pics from last year. I didn't get a chance to take another picture once the plastic was off, as it was time to serve.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Someone is happy about the snow.

Well, here we are in the Northeast, we are bracing ourselves for another storm.
No complaints, like last year it seems the kids will have a snow day, about once a week.