
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Coffee Hour Buffet

The time has come again. Each year I like to host coffee hour in February. There are many reasons why the early part of February is important to me and I see this as a special offering.  I try each year to have some great standby's like bagels and try some new things too.

Last year, I posted what the contenders for the Coffee Hour were and then Lent was upon us and I never posted what I actually made. Go figure.  Here are some pics from last year. I didn't get a chance to take another picture once the plastic was off, as it was time to serve.

Earl Grey Cupcakes with a Lavender Frosting
 I think these are now one of favorite cupcakes, the flavors blended so well together.

Other items that made it last year were the ham and cheese pinwheels, several types of coffee cake and veggies with dip and the homemade danishes. I'll share this year's table soon. 
Definitely before Lent begins...

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  1. I hope you take some pictures of this year's coffee hour offerings before you put them under wraps. I am amazed at the hot chocolate sugar cookie cups! And I think yours are even cuter than the original. Once upon a time I had tea parties for friends, maybe four parties in all, and it was so much fun, but very time-consuming - I would like to do more in the future. It was a chance to try various goodies out on my guests, and they were always happy to take home the extras so I didn't have lots of tempting sweets around.

    1. Thanks Gretchen, I know you have some really beautiful things come out of your kitchen. I love things casual but there is a different sweetness that comes from the formality of an event-tea can be an event! Coffee hours fall the beautiful place in between. Thank you for commenting, it makes blogging so much more fun, numbers are nice to know you are all out there but there is nothing like a comment.

  2. Oh My Gosh! What a great idea and what great goodies you have! Thanks for linking to the This is How We Roll Link Party. See you on Thursday!

  3. Thanks Cynthia, glad to have you back and praying for you!


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