
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wildflower Wednesday #1

It's the fourth Wedsnesday of the month and so I am joining  Kathy Purdy over at Cold Climate Gardening, to look at one of my wildflowers for Wildflower Wednesday.

To be honest, it's not around? Where did it go? I transplanted some to the wood edge last fall. But am not seeing it there. Has the weather been too labile? I wouldn't suspect a wildflower would care that much, they tend to be so hardy.  When we moved to this home, this was one of the main flowers in the garden.  I loved it although it took me awhile to identify it.  For now, I'm still waiting for my Spiderwort.  The white iris has grown stalks but no buds yet.  Funny, this year I may have roses before the Spiderwort or Iris to bloom.  I have yet to see any of the Trillium from 2 years ago either.

On another note, I acquired some common milkweed and tropical milkweed seeds.
Trying to figure out where I should plant them, they will be planted to try to help our poor monarch population. Our little girl hummingbird is also looking pretty large this week, likely going to drop an egg soon?

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Embrace it.

If you have been following along, you know I have had a struggle with the lily of the valley taking over in the front garden pathway. It is in full bloom now.

I have decided for now to just embrace it. 
They are delicate and beautiful and filled with a sweet aroma.

There are more important things to struggle with, this does not need to be one.

But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. ( 1 Timothy 6.11)

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

What's Bloomin?

Bloom Day May 2014
It's the 15th of May and so time for a little lookie-lookie at what's in bloom in my garden. If you would like to see more from last year's garden, or some of my favorite gardens, last year I featured "How does your Garden grow Mondays" you can also look here and here.

There is lamb's ear that is off to a good start and lupine newly added not taking very well.  If you look past some of the weeds, there are columbine sprouts that have emerged.  It's a late start but a start all the same. The garden here is zone 5 is at least a month behind, sadly that doesn't mean I am anymore ahead in weeding. "It's all good."

Mr. Wooley Thyme is bright and fuzzy, many know I love texture. My garden as you can tell is no different. Isn't it sweet!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Beautiful Spring Day

It was such a beautiful day. Lucky me -took some time to spend a lovely morning with a friend, sipping coffee, chatting and swapping plans of our gardens. It was a special morning, Mr Hummingbird came to visit too. I'm grateful for moments and times like these. I'm grateful for so much.

What do you like do to on a sunny spring morning?

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Savvy Southern Style

Friday, May 9, 2014

Look who's here

It's not who's at the feeder but this medium sized fellow in my azalea.  Hadn't seen him before?  Juncos are gone but these are here now.  Pretty greys with a black cap. Foraging below the bushes with some mates.  

Looked him up, turns out it's a Gray Catbird. Now, I have seen the Cowbirds, and have heard our Catbirds but this is the first time I actually saw him. Apparently, they can be elusive.  Have to add him to my life-list.

Another suprise this spring has been, Mockingbirds.  They are unusual here in the Northeast? At least, I have not heard them in my neighborhood before.  They are soooo loud, ALL NIGHT LONG.  Oh my gosh...seriously, listen here for an idea of what it's been like. Still haven't seen them, but we hear them.  They must have a nest nearby, I think they're lost?

On another sweeter note, our hummingbirds are back, and loving the new feeders. It seems like it took them a long time, so happy they are back, they sure make me smile. 

Who's been around your backyard?

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Come over and play in my front garden.

Big plans, big dreams, so little time (short growing season in zone 5), thus a gardener's dilemmas.

I am trying to think out the front garden bed plan a bit more thouroughly.  It has been neglected for some time, really other than weeding, since we moved into this home. I have focused on the rock garden and veggie garden much more.

Let me describe first what I have.  It starts next to the step to the door with an Azalea ( I know right next to the door, I didn't plant it there.  It is pretty but it will get big and it is already more mature than it should be for that spot, I think?)

Below, the Azalea is tons of Lily of the Valley. Yes, it smells beautiful in bloom and it is so pretty. It is also pretty invasive and I started last year by transplanting lots of it to the wooded area in the back.

Just look how much is back in this spot. See the bench I painted in the back? 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ole! 5 for 5th of May

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Need some recipes for a fun dinner tonight?
Here are some that have been shared here at the Fields and will be easy to whip up!

Guatemalan Black Beans

Bean Corn Salad

Shrimp or without Shrimp Peach Mango Salsa Tacos

Super Healthy Mayan Salad


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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Keeping track of your garden

I am continuing my garden journal this year but adding to it.  Last year I did this schematic to help me remember where and what was planted in the rock garden. You may remember we decided to triple it's size last year and so added quite a few more perennials ,after amending the soil.

This year the journal is going to have dates of blooms and progress of the flowers with photos. I'm keeping a journal on the computer but am also printing out pages and adding to a three ring binder so I can also keep seed packet info, add drawings/notes and take it out to the garden with me. I'm pretty pleased with myself on this one.

Let's see how I do this season?
What's your plan? Do you keep a garden journal?

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French Country Cottage
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Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
The Dedicated House
Savvy Southern Style

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Light Shines from Within-True Bioluminescence

This is a Georgian Hieromonk, just watch. It's not important if you don't understand what he is saying this is powerful all the same.  Just watch, I know it's a little long, it really is even more prevalent when he begins to bless the people (around 3 1/2 minutes into the video). Lord have Mercy.

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