
Tuesday, April 29, 2014


It's been a little time since I posted.  A busy and beautiful Holy Week and Bright week. On Holy Friday, we awakened to this sight. Our lovely Hibiscus given to me last summer by a neighbor who moved away, has been dormant until...

it bloomed.

It surprised me as I had seen little buds but had not expected these blooms!
They are huge, the pictures do not do them justice.

Will be having some more surprises coming to the Fields in May. So stop back to...

Share the Day

Monday, April 14, 2014

From Little Fields of Basil Bookshelf: The Littlest Altar Boy

Still need something for your Pascha/ Easter Baskets?
Introducing... a new feature!

Here is our very first book review.  Drum roll please...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday

No palm is too little to wave for the Lord. Have a blessed Holy Week.

Share the Day

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Share the Day -Eggplant Stacker

Share the Day Guest Blogger
40 Days-40 Days of Lenten Recipes
Eggplant Stacking

Here's another one of my BFF's, she inspires me, she supports me and is one of the most beautiful and elegant women I know. She is also another Presvytera, whom I consider a mentor and is as awesome in the kitchen, as she is everywhere else. 
Thank you sweet friend  for sharing the day and this recipe!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Share the Day-Asian Coleslaw

Share the Day
40 Days-40 Days of Lenten Recipes

Joining us once more is one of my BFF's, she has shared as a guest blogger here and here.


Some call it Chinese Noodle Salad but I call it Chinese Cole Slaw, made 'chinese' only because it has rice vinegar and ramen noodles in it!  It's really quite tasty and an old standby for potluck dinners but beware of allergens (these can be left out or replaced with nut-free crunch too).  If you are concerned about sugar, you can reduce that or probably eliminate it and add extra mandarin oranges.  Despite the dressing, the leftover can be refrigerated and enjoyed for the next day or so.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

5 More Ways to Enjoy Olives

40 Days-40 Lenten Recipes
Olive Spread with Toasted Pita Chips

Are you tired of Olives yet? Me neither.

This is another super-easy but super satisfying appetizer and/or snack.  I have not made my own pita shells but there are plenty of people who have, go check out my Pinterest, I have pinned some. One day I'll get to it. But for now, well have to be OK with store-bought.  I like the thicker variety, so not the pockets.  I cut them, brush them with a little olive oil and sprinkle some sea salt, Mediterranean, of course. Bake them for 10 minutes in an oven 350 degrees. Take them out and enjoy!

Now for the olive spread.  Get out your handy-dandy food processor. Seriously, I truly don't know how I used only a blender this whole time?  Place 1-2 cups of pitted Kalamata olives and a little (2 T) olive oil and blend.  If you like to make a more sophisticated olive tapanade, add some capers, squeeze of lemon juice and a little fresh basil.  

You know I love these flavors, you have seen it in recipes here and here.

Here are some more ways to use and enjoy olives.
How do you like them?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lenten Macrame Bracelet

40 Days-40 Days Lenten Recipes and Crafts!

Here is a fun and satisfying craft. Knotting and macrame is coming back to the scene, I remember my Mom completing many hanging planters.  Going to have to look and see if she still has any for the porch? I was introduced to this at a retreat last year and it can be addictive. Loving the adjustable close.

Here is one I am working on. I use a clipboard to stabilize it and make it portable. The instructions to make your own can be found in the following link,
found here.

Look at how pretty these are below. They are made with a thicker grade thread, than I am using left. Recently have been wearing the purple one and gave the others as gifts.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Share the Day Saturday- Chocolate Cake

Share the Day Saturday

Today's recipe is one shared by another Prez, you may remember her from this recipe, which she shared in the Lenten Series of Recipes last year. Anyway, what can I truly say about her, this odd compliment of the day probably says it best. You can enjoy more of these if you follow me on Pinterest.


Here is the beautiful cake she made using this recipe. Doesn't it look awesome!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lobster Roll with Citrus Fennel Tapenade

40 Days-40 Days of Lenten Recipes

OK, we are on a pretty serious budget in our house. This is not something that is normal. But I found this deal on lobster tails, that I couldn't pass.  8 tails for the same price as a bag of shrimp. Seriously, going to make the most of this. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Chocolate Chip Kale Cookies

40 Days-40 Days of Lenten Recipes

Kale is all the rage. It's easy to grow, high in vitamins but it's bitter. It's not something our family cares for very much. Have tried it as chips, blech! Gross! No matter how much you salt them, and try to convince yourself they taste just like real potato chips, trust me, THEY DON'T. Now kale in soup, a different matter, not bad in soup, not bad at all. But the child, won't go near it, even in soup.
Now I have found a new way to add this healthy green leafy veggie to our life. COOKIES!