
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Chocolate Chip Kale Cookies

40 Days-40 Days of Lenten Recipes

Kale is all the rage. It's easy to grow, high in vitamins but it's bitter. It's not something our family cares for very much. Have tried it as chips, blech! Gross! No matter how much you salt them, and try to convince yourself they taste just like real potato chips, trust me, THEY DON'T. Now kale in soup, a different matter, not bad in soup, not bad at all. But the child, won't go near it, even in soup.
Now I have found a new way to add this healthy green leafy veggie to our life. COOKIES! 

3 cups flour (of choice)                                              
3 T cocoa powder                                                     
1/2 tsp salt                             
1/2 tsp baking soda                                                    
1 tsp baking powder                                                   
1 c sugar                                                                     
1/2 c brown sugar                                                       
1 c kale
3 tsp vegan butter
1 cup cashews
1/4 c water
1 T flax seed
2 T coconut oil
3 tsp vanilla extract
 1 banana                                                                     
1 cup chocolate chips

I used my handy-dandy food processor, my new toy this season. Started with processing the cashews, added the water, coconut oil, butter, flax seed, banana. Processed  more, added cocoa. Processed more. Then processed the kale, see the levels above. Likely can mix any way you choose, as long as cashews and kale get processed with some liquid. It helps. Then began adding sugar and remainder of ingredients. 

In a separate bowl added baking powder, soda, salt and flour and slowly incorporated it into the mixture. The chocolate chips were last. When baking them, some I just placed on the parchment paper, some used a fork to flatten a bit. See the difference below?

Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

Seriously yummy.
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  1. These look just like the chocolate avocado cookies I make....very rich and creamy. I may have to try these too!

  2. No kidding. You can put chocolate and cashews in almost anything and I'd be happy to eat it. :-)


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