
Sunday, September 30, 2012

How many Blue Jays can you see?

How many Blue Jays can you see?

How many blue jays can you see,
Sitting in this old elm tree?
Can you count them before they fly?
Let’s see if you can give it a try.

I see one jay on a limb.
He may fly away on a whim.
Number two is chirping loud.
Another’s strutting his feathers so proud.

I see three jays in a row.
Four if you count the one moving to and fro.
Five blue jays have beaks open wide.
That doesn’t leave much for a worm to hide.

Six fine birds with feathers of blue,
Watch an owl that’s going “Hoot!”
One more to go, that’s all of them now;
Looking down at a big black cow.

Can you count them by yourself too?
There are seven blue jays, not two.
Hurry, they’re going to fly away soon;
Maybe all the way to the moon.

Margo Fallis

The Hummingbirds may have started their migration, but these are still visiting.

Share the Day.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Easy Peasy Appetizers

Cheddar Chive Tartlets

Ingredients include
1 cup shredded Cheddar, 
1/4 cup chopped chives, 
1/4 cup  Parmesan cheese, 
1/2 cup mayo, 
eggroll wrappers.  

Ingredients include 1 cup shredded chedder,  1/4 cup chopped chives,  1/4 cup  parmesean cheese,  1/2 cup mayo,  eggroll wrappers,   cut into quarters or wonton wrappers.

Cut wrappers into even quarters.  Spray mini muffin pan with cooking spray, and place wrapper in each spot and press them in. Bake for 5-8 minutes at 350 degrees.

Mix ingredients together while wrappers baking.
Then fill wrappers with mixture and place back in oven for another 5-8 minutes.

Makes 2 dozen.
More yummy recipes to share.

Share the Day.
Shared here.

Would you also consider taking a look at this important post about someone

Friday, September 28, 2012

Angry Bird Toothpicks and Memo Pads

At the recent Angry birds party, I reused certain items for decor, namely, I printed out clipart faces on paper used for mailing labels 8.5x11 adhesive paper.
Then using my paper cutter cut out the sizes needed.

I folded the stickers over on paper party toothpicks. I found these at the discount market, they were rock party themed, which didn't matter, because I was covering them. They were $0.40! 

Here's how we used the flags.
Yum, marshmallow treats, aka "bird food."
Cute, right?

Same discount market had memo pads for 4 for $1. 
I used double sticker length to cover the memo pad writing on the front, 
this idea was seen here.
These were for the goody bags.

Share the Day!

Would you also consider taking a look at this important post?

Have joined parties listed here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Make your own water bottle labels.

Well if you are wondering how I've been doing on my projects and where I've been, 
I'm here, 
nose to the craft mat.  

We have had some great fun and celebration, esp in planning one our infamous birthday parties.  We have picked the theme this year to be....drumroll please......ANGRY BIRDS.

So after some great ideas from other parties with similar themes, we decided what to do, which included food, decorations, goody bags and of course a Giant Slingshot with Lifesize Game outside.

I'll show you how we did it all.
Let's start with the water bottle labels!

First, using my document maker I made two sizes of rectangles measuring 8.4in x1.32in for the standard tall bottle and 7.88in x 1.79in for the shorter kid-size water bottles.

I designed my labels and added some clipart.
I then printed 4 labels to each piece of paper and then cut them out.

Once cut, I stretched my clear packing tape across the paper label on my cutting mat (it's easier to remove from the mat versus the table, trust me)

Then it's time to attach to the bottle.
Carefully find the ridges and encircle the bottle and press down.


You can make these for any occasion, or holiday.  
Recently made some for our church youth group get-together.
Some effort, not costly, big impact.

Share the Day!

If you can please visit this post, thanks.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Someone Special and Close to my Heart

September is Childhood Cancer Month

From the Curesearch website, did you know that:

+ More than 40 000 children undergo treatment for cancer each year.

+ Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the United States.

+ Every day, 36 children are diagnosed with cancer.

+ Children's cancer affects all ethnic, gender and socio-economic groups.

We have our first guest blogger today, someone very special to many people.  She is a Mom of two beautiful children and part of a very strong wonderful couple and family.  
Please help this family and families like them.

Dear Family and Friends,
Last year, with your help, we raised an incredible $3700 for the CureSearch Walk, to help fund cancer research! This year, we look for your generosity again, as we are raising funds for another important organization, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. From the very first day of Anna’s Leukemia diagnosis in May of 2011, the LLS has been a vital source of information and support for our family, in so many aspects. Now, as we enter September, we look to spread the word about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and to help give back to an amazing nonprofit organization that has helped us personally.
We have formed a team for the Light the Night Walk at Bright House Field in Clearwater, FL on November 3rd, and we hope you'll join us.  The Light The Night Walk is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's evening walk and fundraising event.  It is the nation's night to pay tribute and bring hope to thousands of people battling blood cancers and to commemorate loved ones lost.
By joining our team and raising funds for this important cause, you'll be making a real impact on the fight against cancer.  On Walk night, you'll join us with other teams and individuals from all over our community in the culmination of our efforts to find cures.  Walk night is a family-oriented evening in which participants carry illuminated balloons, raise awareness of blood cancers and come together as a caring community. For more info, here is a link to a YouTube Informational Video on the Light the Night Walk.  

This year, Anna has been named as the Honored Hero for the Light the Night Walk in Pinellas County! All those who have met Anna know she is full of personality and always let's you know what is on her mind. She is our little "Spunky Monkey" and that has become our team's name. Use the following link to go to  our team's home page  , and at the top and bottom of the page, there are links to join our team and walk with us.

There is no cost to register as a walker or to join the team.  Each registered walker will also have their own webpage to help raise funds should they wish, and we will all be linked through Anna's team. Everyone who raises $100 or more will be a Champion for Cures and will be recognized on Walk night with:

            - A Light The Night t-shirt.

            - An illuminated Light The Night balloon in red (supporters), white (survivors) or gold (in memory of a loved one)

            - A wristband which entitles the wearer to an array of food and refreshments.
Please join us, as we are trying to get as many of Anna's family and friends together on walk night, to show their support as Anna continues her battle against cancer. 
If you can't join us on Walk Night, we still need your help in raising money for this very important cause. Through The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk we are searching for  better treatments and cures for blood cancers so patients can live better, longer lives. I'm asking you to help by making a tax-deductible contribution!  You will receive an email confirmation of your donation as soon as it is made. I thank you in advance for your support which will make a difference in the lives of thousands of patients battling blood cancers.
Please use this link  to donate online quickly and securely.  On the right hand side of our page you can make a donation to LLS on Anna’s behalf, either through the team or through a specific team member.
          Sincerely, A Hopeful Mom  

Thanks for Sharing the Day and we pray we will be sharing in joyful news one day soon.
Other ways you can help include becoming involved in your local LLS walk and joining a bone marrow drive near you and help Anna and others like her! Join and Be the Match!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Clean windows?

I have a problem that I never thought would be mine.
My windows are too clean. 
It's like the commercial on tv, bugs and birds bounce off of it all the time.
The other day, this poor bird, hit it so hard, it left feathers from its little head ON the window.

The sweet little bird was lying on its back, for the longest time, and I mean a long time.  
We went outside and tried to decide what to do to help the little being.  
We could see it was still breathing.  So we decided to pick it up gently in a kitchen towel and move it to a safer spot.  The second we placed the towel over it, it started to call out, then righted itself. 

Here's the towel being removed.

It took a few more minutes to let the stars circling it's little head clear.

Then flew off a bit unsteady, but it flew off into the trees all the same.
We all breathed a sigh of relief.
Share the day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tomato mozzarella salad

If you have lots of lemons, you make lemonade.
Lots of tomatoes, what to do???
Tomato Salad, of course.

Tomatoes, plum, cherry, heritage, whatever you have available, 
nothing tastes as good as those grown at home. 
I think our chipmunks are finally full from our birdfeeder, 
thankfully, now they are leaving the tomatoes alone.
We have tomatoes galore, Yeh!

Start by washing them.

Cut them up. 

Add mini mozzarella balls (I like to cut them a bit smaller).
Add basil leaves, 2T red wine vinegar, 2T olive oil, 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp garlic powder, 
and salt and pepper per your preference.

Something yummy to share.

Share the Day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Think nothing and do nothing without a purpose directed to God. 
For to journey without direction is wasted effort.

Mark the Ascetic

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tree Roots

This past year has felt like a whirlwind to me.  Many changes and many things staying the same.  I love this time of season, the ecclesiastical new year, a real time for reflection for me as to what has happened in this past year and planning for what is ahead.  Forgive my lack of posts,  there have been many experiences, there is much being done and hopefully completed and much to share soon.  
"It's all good",(even when it's not.)
Thanking God for every good and perfect gift.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Textured Mat Re-eval

After living with this for a little while, something didn't feel right?
You know the feeling? 

After re-eval, I figured out what was bothering me.
No texture!
The solution was putting the glass between the photo and newly textured mat, why not?
Aaah, much better.

Little soapbox moment: always to remember to re-eval and if something doesn't feel right, or if you are not being true, correct it. A little plug for self-evaluation and for the sacrament of confession.
We will now return to regularly scheduled program.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Want a new look for a Mat?

I had a picture frame and a nice picture, but no mat.  I wanted a textured look to coordinate with another picture in the same area.  I'm not trying to be matchy-matchy but I like to coordinate. I have also been very attracted lately to burlap and things with texture.  I had some leftover burlap and another bit of fabric which is more linen-like, and chose the latter.

You can cut a mat from a cereal box or buy one.

Have some glue on hand, by the way I like Elmer's and am not a paid advertiser. 

I cut the material and then cut a coordinating square in the center, making four slits in corners. Spray the mat with glue and place the mat onto the fabric. Then fold the center onto sides after running glue stick.

Here's what it look likes.

To fold over corners, then cut a small square off, which will help it fold flatter.

Once dry, place in frame and place your picture
and you are finished.
A new look without huge time or cost.

Share the Day!
Link Parties will be attending on herehere , here and here.

BTW-After I lived with it, this happened.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Peach Mango Salsa

I so love having a garden again.
 I was inspired recently by Amy and all the tomatoes and peaches on hand and thought, hmmm, mango salsa sounds so good. But alas could not find one mango fully ripe, could not wait either. 
So used as much of the mango that was ripe and decided to add the peaches!
So go gather up what you will need. 
The amount of really depends on how much you want to make.
Let's go!

Tomatoes, red and green onions, lime, cilantro, mango and peaches
(Tomatoes are from our garden and some of the peaches are from my Thea's (aunt's)
Don't forget...
1 tsp salt
1 capful red wine vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp garlic powder
1 T diced jalapeno (fresh is better, I had canned on hand)

Start chopping and dicing!

At this point, mix in lime juice, salt, vinegar, sugar, and garlic powder. Mix gently.

 Something to enjoy
 with fish or pork chops or spareribs
( marinated with worcheshire sauce, garlic and tiny bit of curry)
 or just on a tortilla chip.

We shared ours with some incredible friends that have become family, what a great time.
We had some other friends that didn't make it over, we missed them.
Whenever you can be with those you love, is a great time.
Take advantage of every minute.

Share the Day!
This post is being shared and on linky parties hereherehere,  and here