
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tomato mozzarella salad

If you have lots of lemons, you make lemonade.
Lots of tomatoes, what to do???
Tomato Salad, of course.

Tomatoes, plum, cherry, heritage, whatever you have available, 
nothing tastes as good as those grown at home. 
I think our chipmunks are finally full from our birdfeeder, 
thankfully, now they are leaving the tomatoes alone.
We have tomatoes galore, Yeh!

Start by washing them.

Cut them up. 

Add mini mozzarella balls (I like to cut them a bit smaller).
Add basil leaves, 2T red wine vinegar, 2T olive oil, 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp garlic powder, 
and salt and pepper per your preference.

Something yummy to share.

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