
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Orthodox Christian Crafts for Pascha and other times

 With Holy Week approaching here are ways to help our littles.  Looking for a fun craft to add to your church school lesson or perhaps a Lenten retreat or just someway to reinforce the lessons of the season at home? You are not going to believe this post! I gathered my favorite Orthodox crafts, all one place, to make it easier to pick.

  Whoo hoo, let the fun begin!!

If you like what you see and wish to pin it, please be courteous and take from the source post, give credit to these incredible people who inspire us. Photo heavy post after the jump.

I'm trying to help plan our Lenten retreat for the kids and so started reviewing some of my favorite crafts. We have a fantastic group of kids and I really want to make it special for them. I am having trouble choosing which one to do and which one to leave to next year?

Another way to count prayers,
I have never yet been able to learn to knot a proper prayer rope
but I can make bracelets for the season.

Sunday of Orthodoxy Icon Letter

I truly love making these, for Sunday of Orthodoxy, for Baptisms or as a baby gift. 
Can you imagine the Sunday of Orthodoxy procession,
 with each of the children holding up their letter and saint!

A fun game at any time.
Think of Pascha/Lenten words and go to town.
Another thought as a space filler if needed would be Pascha Pictionary?

I made these for Christmas but it would be easy to make Paschal,
 by switching out the icon  or printing "Christos Anesti, Christ is Risen!"

Need an icebreaker for your lenten retreat or a little fun game in between of activities?
This is a great one for a group of children or teens.

I adore this garden especially with how long we are going to have to wait for our flowers this year!
Full of color and beauty in verse.

Jeannie N from Creative Hands Creative Minds made this using Crafty Contemplative as inspiration.
What a beautiful way to reinforce the prayer,
we all learn different and this one is great for the visual learner.

Loving the scrapbook, add a small space for the child to write in their memory from the day.
You could make a new one every year to hold Pascha memories.

This lesson is not an easy one and the image on the icon has a graphic truthfulness to it.
Here is one way to introduce it and remember to stay focused until the end.

If you are not familiar with this site, you should be. Enough said!

My jaw literally dropped open,
and then I squealed with delight when I saw this beautiful display of a child's epitaphio.
We are so making one of these at our Lenten retreat this year!!!

Here is another sweet craft which helps reinforce the connections we want our children to have; to feel heard and to have hope. The original blog posting is in Greek and I haven't been able to find the story yet, if anyone has it, would love to hear it!!! Please send or contact me. 
After reading the story of the Paschal Angel the children write their wishes and prayers on the angel. 
So incredibly sweet...

I love the concept of this one, to "show the children that we're being 'watchful' by instead of having the hours of the day, mark the clock with the different days of Holy Week and have the children change the hand on the clock each day."  Brilliant!!! The original is posted here.

I feel like this one is a standard in all circles.
Fun, easy and clean to make.
All you need is clear contact paper, tissue paper pieces, construction paper frame and an idea!

This is one that really helps you feel spring with growing some grass in the earth around the tomb.
The snow is melting and spring is on it's way, I know it is, it has to be. I've seen many versions of this project, all adorable.

I have made this with our church school and JOY kids in the past, it is was a hit.
I think with parents as much as the children.
It is an excellent activity after evening services,
to have a lovely reminder of the prayers and that God's light remains with us.
It would make a sweet present at Pascha or other times for Yiayia's or Papou's.
 Pres Angela over at Orthodox Children's Press has a sweet post on how to complete this project.

I love a good resist, but resistance is in my nature, and not futile. Anyone a trekkie? Get it?

I love how sweet this looks and how contemporary it feels.
Use Lenten shapes and color around.
SO EASY yet with beautiful results anyone would be proud to have on the fridge.
This is also hard to resist.

This was done in our son's preschool days. It is one of my treasures. Truly a classic!

Holy Week Mural

This was from 2010, another fantastic group of kids, I smile every time I think of them.
We did an icon study of each day, followed by decorating the mural.
We ended the event with eating our Lazarakia made during the day and a toilet paper Lazarus race.
The whole hall was covered in toilet paper and everyone was in giggles.

Hoping this post helps with any events upcoming in your communities.
Maybe a little inspiration? What's your fave? Have a craft/lesson that I missed?
Drop me a note.
Would love to hear what you think?

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