
Monday, June 6, 2016

Still here

Hello dear friends... I'm still hanging around. 

It's been ages, as you can tell that I touched my blog and connected with all of you. I miss it and you. It is one of my favorite creative outlets and ways to connect with others. I love it when you send email and comment, it is such a sweet joy, likely other bloggers will understand.

Time, time, time. 

I had overextended myself these past few months and tried to catch up after falling very behind, for many and various reasons. It's so funny, when I ended my last post, I said "bring it on" and boy did the world do just that! I will likely share in due time. 
But for now... 

I am saying No...more, I am taking care of myself...more, 
I am simplifying...more (lol, that doesn't fit together right?) 

Even as adults, we sometimes need correction, sometimes its to get back on the proper road, sometimes your road is exactly as intended, but you need to get back into the right stride.   I see it more as re-evaluation, which if you have met me in person, I do pretty routinely.  The events that followed my last post, left my head and world spinning. I was still smiling the whole time. It has finally stopped now.  Still smiling!

It's funny, as we enter summer when all routines basically go out the window, here I am finding a lovely one.  Routine does not necessarily have to be boring, it can be comforting and when it involves balance it can allow for exhilarating things to happen. 

God is good!
Thank God for everything!

Stay tuned, check in once in awhile.

I wish I could say, I've been writing up a storm and have so many posts already done and waiting to be scheduled. But that's not the way I work. This blog is more organic for me. 

So as I end this post. 

It's beautiful outside, the smell of fresh cut grass and my little sweet hummingbirds are back. 

All is well.
Christos Anesti!

Still here
Sharing the Day

PS. The Wonderful Boy wants me to share...he caught a very big toad yesterday.
In fact, he saved it from our sweet but very curious dog.
Good job, sweet boy!


  1. I'm so glad to see you blogging again! I look forward to reading your new posts!


Thanks for making a comment, and sharing the day.