
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Sweeter Chair

 The sweater sweeter chair.

The $2 makeover, are you intrigued? 

If you have been following this blog, you know I really like chairs. Sometimes I find them, sometimes they find me. I even have a Pinterest board for them.

I have had this chair since I was in my early 20's.  It has a story, great pieces often do. It was acquired when my neighbor's were moving out of state and needed to empty their house. They lived in a gorgeous Victorian with many original pieces. Of course, I missed the house auction, as I was working nights back then (probably wouldn't of been able to afford the really good stuff anyway).  When I woke up that afternoon, this chair was on my porch  and waiting for me. They knew I had always liked it and when it didn't sell, they just gave it to me.

Moral of the story: 
Be nice to your neighbors and you will always have somewhere to sit.

Things I love about this chair:

  • The tufting
  • The color
  • The lines
  • The wonderful feeling you get when you sink into it.

So many memories sitting in this chair, I used to use it in front of my computer, have long conversations on the phone and read so many books and still do. 

When I sit in it, it feels like the club chairs that my parents had growing up. Basically,  it has that comfortable feeling of home.

We're not the only ones who love this chair and have enjoyed it.  You can see how worn it is.

It's such a great chair. This is also a great dog, he was visiting us for a couple days. Yup, this pooch was allowed on the furniture. Our pup well she is allowed only on one piece and it's not this chair, surprised?

So are you still intrigued about it's makeover?

Monday, June 6, 2016

Still here

Hello dear friends... I'm still hanging around. 

It's been ages, as you can tell that I touched my blog and connected with all of you. I miss it and you. It is one of my favorite creative outlets and ways to connect with others. I love it when you send email and comment, it is such a sweet joy, likely other bloggers will understand.

Time, time, time. 

I had overextended myself these past few months and tried to catch up after falling very behind, for many and various reasons. It's so funny, when I ended my last post, I said "bring it on" and boy did the world do just that! I will likely share in due time. 
But for now... 

I am saying No...more, I am taking care of myself...more, 
I am simplifying...more (lol, that doesn't fit together right?)