
Friday, January 16, 2015

Adventures in Winter Window Cleaning

Alright, if you have been following my blog you know that I like my windows being clean, but I don't always have the best luck.

This adventure in window cleaning was no different.

I finally took off the Christmas clings.
You know how they leave a little film and stick on the windows.

I don't know about your home, ours get moved around a lot!
New words, little changes almost daily to see if someone else in the family will notice.
It's a fun game, but leaves a big mess on the window.

Time to clean it!
I cleaned the inside, but it didn't look clean.
Then I realized ...dun dun dunnnn.
Ahhh-it was on the outside!

I wasn't planning on cleaning the outside of the window.
Not thinking, I sprayed the windex.
(This is not a paid promotion-I alternate from using this cleaner to homemade cleaners with vinegar)

This happened!

It's on the outside.
Now what???

I could just wait until the winter thaw? 


Handy dandy blowdryer to the rescue.
I have no idea how I thought of this?
Yes, I am blowdrying my window through the other open window.
It was very cold even with my arm just sticking out.
It is winter after all.

It worked!

Clean Windows for the 2015!

Anything take you by surprise yet this year?
Any other thoughts/ideas/tips on winter window cleaning?

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