
Friday, December 19, 2014

Here and Now

Hello there...I'm back.

Well- truly I never left, I've been writing posts several times a day (in my head) and they are really good ones. You the kind that make you giggle as you read them. I'm giggling at least.  The challenge is finding time to put down. The break was necessary and good.

Thank you for checking in, here is a little preview of what has been happening and what is ahead.

What have I done with my window boxes for the season?
It looks gorge and cost less than $5.

We had our annual St Nick Party, loads of fun!

The hawk is still here and very active.

Lights have been a hysterical challenge this year.

Sweetness by the door, the tail is wagging.

Goodies, Goodies and more Goodies.

What have you been up to in your neck of woods?
Would love to hear from you?
Which post would you like to see first?

Share the Day!


  1. I'm so glad you're back to blogging! Looks like you've been plenty busy too!

  2. Thanks Emily, I appreciate the sentiment and you sticking around! Merry Christmas, Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Happy New Year!


Thanks for making a comment, and sharing the day.