
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Garden Bloom Day on 15th

Yes here it is the 17th and things have been so busy I actually missed posting on the actual Bloom Day. So here is a late post to join in the fun and a peek into my cottage garden.

Beebalm is gorgeous this year. Given to me by a dear friend from her garden and is doing beautiful and  its aroma is lovely, complementing the peppermint that grows nearby. I know its invasive but I love it , what can I do?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Thinking about Window Boxes: Part Three

Now if you would like to see how I got to this point click on Part One and Part Two. These boxes are just above the front yard flower beds where you can see here what I've planted.  The area below is filled with purples, whites and pinks and lots of green.

I decided to go with a mixture of classic choices and a little hardy succulent to try this year.
It didn't cost a fortune either. Bonus!

Drumroll please...


Moss Rose (a trailing annual)

Blue Spruce Sedum ( a trailing perennial)

When thinking about it, I figured it would be nice if there was something that could be the foundation plant and that would possibly grow large and beautiful over the years, esp, since the growing season here is so short. It will also produce sweet yellow flowers late in summer to help us into the fall season.
Best thing about the above choices, drought resistance. Resistance is not futile. Couldn't resist.