
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Share the Saturday-Plantains

Share the Day Saturday-Plantains
40 Days-40 Days of Lenten Recipes

Elegant and sweet like its guest poster who happens to be another Presvytera and someone very special.
Pres. Marilou is also a blogger and has a brilliant view of the world, which she shares in a simple way that you don't even realize how deep she's going. She's deep trust me, join her some time, here.
The instructions are simple, slice the plantains lengthwise, saute/fry them with healthy oil of choice and sprinkle a little brown sugar and cinnamon over top and allow it to caramelize.  
Had some today just absolutely fantastic. Delicious!

Share the Day

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Shashine! Thank you for linking your blog with mine.


Thanks for making a comment, and sharing the day.