
Monday, July 22, 2013

How does your garden grow-so beautiful?

Sharing with you a garden I see almost daily.
There is so many things to look at in this garden.  Here are two of my favourites. 
First, this flower. So delicate and elegant. 
I'm actually not even sure what type of flower it is?
Almost trumpet in shape, or almost like a cardinal flower but the stems are not upright?
Any ideas?

Second, are these Cacti.
We are in the Northeast and I really have never seen any here.

Then when you see it all together, breath-taking.
There is something new blooming each week, 
a feast for the senses.

Can you pick out where each of my faves are?
What's blooming in your garden?
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  1. Good Morning Presvytera Eleni, Such beautiful colours in your garden.... the flowers are so lovely. Nothing makes me happier than when I walk into a garden, such as yours, it always puts a smile on my face.
    The plant you spoke about in your first picture, is Montbretia, they can either be orange or red flowers. I have some in my garden at the moment which are in bud and ready to flower.
    I think that your favourite flowers are hollyhocks and cone flowers mmm I wonder if I am right.
    I have enjoyed my visit with you so I have become a new follower
    I would like to invite you to visit me at Ivy, Phyllis and Me! when you have a moment.
    Best Wishes to you,

  2. Hi Daphne, so glad you came to share the day! I WISH this was my garden, but am blessed it is nearby and I get to see it almost daily and add to the inspiration for my own. What a cute name for your blog, i did stop by, sweet! I am going to have to research Montebretia, thanks for the clue, lets take a look.


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