
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Best Backyard Bird Feeders and Baths

Well, this summer has been a bird-a-palooza for sounds and sightings.  
We added a few little things to the garden for them and they rewarded us,
with their beautiful songs and planting a few surprises in the garden to boot,
more to share on that later.
Fall is fast approaching,
which does not mean the backyard birdfeeding, no, no,  my friend,
it continues!

Here are a few of my favorite pins for the birds, from our Pinterest World and mine.

 This one above is one of my all-time favorite birdfeeders, 
it's organic, recycled and absolutely adorable.

Love this recycled wine bottle and check out the name of wine, so cool.
Rebecca from The GardenRoofCoop is brilliant.


This feeder is pretty and squirrel proof, add a baffle below and you are all set!


Have an old slinkie and a hanger? What to do, make a birdfeeder of course, so sweet.
Found at My Diy Place

This picture frame feeder is simple and architectural at the same time.
Originally featured on Country Living.
Must make.

Now for the hummingbirds, make your own or buy one.
These both work, I find homemade syrup works best.


 My favorite has been the window hanger, offering a more intimate connection.
I also found this summer, the best way to keep wasps away from the feeder,
just rub a little vegetable oil around the seams, it makes it difficult for them to land.
(hee hee hee)

Don't forget the hummingbird perch.
They actually do use it!


And then there are the baths.
You can make it sparkly like this one made from old DVD's 
or as simple as garden rocks and a saucer.
Debbie from Meandmydiy blog has a fantastic tutorial on this gorgeous sparkler.
Definitely please go and check it out!


Which feeders have been the best for you this summer? How do you change them for the fall? Love to hear from you!

BTW, will be taking a hiatus from Garden Mondays and Feeder Fridays for the next 15 days to focus on preparing for the Feast of the Dormition of our Holy Mother
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Friday, July 26, 2013

Feeder Fridays-Nuthatcher

When you see this little wonders, you ask, what is that crawling up and down my tree out there?
Can't be a woodpecker, it's not red?
What it is, is a Nuthatcher.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Painted Chairs

Many years ago, I did a LOT of furniture painting.
I even bardered with it.
These were on my parents screened porch and when I moved out, 
I took them with me.

I wanted an eclectic look and so as you can see, sponged coordinating colors on the back, 
and made a checkerboard type pattern using painters tape on the seat.

Monday, July 22, 2013

How does your garden grow-so beautiful?

Sharing with you a garden I see almost daily.
There is so many things to look at in this garden.  Here are two of my favourites. 
First, this flower. So delicate and elegant. 
I'm actually not even sure what type of flower it is?
Almost trumpet in shape, or almost like a cardinal flower but the stems are not upright?
Any ideas?

Second, are these Cacti.
We are in the Northeast and I really have never seen any here.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Who's at the Feeder Friday-Rose Crested Grosbeak

First time I saw this guy, I was like, "what is that??"
Well didn't take long to find out it was a Rose-Crested Grosbeak.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How does your garden grow?

Well, mine is not doing so well, between the bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks eating everything in sight, (sigh). Then we have the earwigs, the mosquitos out in full force and other such creatures to contend with, (more sighing), then the incredible heat-waves that are like waves that keep slamming us and the endless humidity, which is almost the same during the night.  I actually enjoy this part somewhat, after-all,  it is July and we are blessed to have air-conditioning. 
A prayer goes out for all those without it.

I recently visited my folks (further North) and had to run out to the car during the night, even though the weather was the same during the day, I had forgotten how cool and sweet the night air of my childhood was. It felt good. I miss those simple times, I miss many things about that time. 

I also missed posting on Monday, you will see one of my favorite gardens this upcoming Monday. It is a neighbor and I am not the only one who stops and takes pictures of their yard. So beautiful.

Meanwhile, back to battle of the weeds. (sigh)

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thank you for the Feature

Thank you to Ginger for featuring my post on 10 Ways to Flavor Lemonade on her blog,

So sweet, the feature and the Lemonade!
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Friday, July 12, 2013

Who's at the Feeder Fridays-Hummingbirds

We moved the hummingbird feeder this year from hanging off the porch, mainly due to damage from Hijinx and his friends which then led to the ants going marching. Hummingbirds don't like it when the ants are in their food.  They will abandon the feeder and she did.

Early in the season, our first little hummingbird to start to visit, was a little girl. How little who knows how to test the age of a hummingbird? We moved the feeder to a hanging window one. It has provided us with much enjoyment, I can't even describe. Our little girl visits almost every 5 minutes and mid June we started seeing her guy! He's a little bigger and ruby-throated. They fly back and forth from our honeysuckle on the side of the house to our kitchen window feeder. We have also seen them get comfortable enough to sit on the perch I made last year! That was a sight! So exciting, sorry, they are so fast haven't been able to catch a picture of that, yet.

I was able to catch a picture of our little girl up on oak branch, way up the tree. Thanks to the eagle eyes of my hubby.

I would love to have them get comfortable enough to handfeed them someday?
Anyone been able to do this?

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Paintchip Art

Well, felt the wall was lacking a little something.
We needed some new artwork.
Time to get them out.

Here is my creation.
I think of it as a modern cubist/impressionist expression.
What should we call this new form of expression, many have done this medium.
It's all over Pinterest.

Maybe, "Paintchipism?" 
What would you call it?
Let's hear your ideas?

Spring Mountains

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Views of Sweetness

I've mentioned to you before being at one of my favorite gardens
The order and simplicity and beauty of it. 
I think I tend to over-think it and don't pull enough weeds.

 So there are two main beautiful trees that up here in the Northwest are not typical in the backyard garden. The lemon tree, you all know my affinity here. And, an enormous fig tree, which has been trained sideways to make picking the fruit, that much easier.

  It is just beautiful. He told me he covers it fully to protect it from our harsh winters. 
I will make sure to get a picture of it in its winter clothes. 

Here are two other really lovely features.
Organic and simple, and lovely.
A gourd used as a bird nest, and it is utilized.
Then an old stump turned planter, with respective mushrooming.

Here you can see the gentle curve of the pathway, the aged overhead trellis 
and veggie garden on one side and flowers on the other. 
So lovely, a garden loved.

So...what aspects are your favorites in your garden?
What would you like to add?
How does your garden grow?

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Who's at the Feeder Fridays-Chippy Visits

Who says just because it's a bird feeder, 
it's only for the birds?

Check out who else visits.

Who's there?

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

True Summer Refreshment- 10 Homemade Ways to Flavor Lemonade

Is there anything better than lemonade in the summer?
Not much is as refreshing?
We love to make homemade versions and thought we would share.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Watership Down meets my Garden

Required reading growing up was Watership Down. 
A simple story about rabbits and their life.
I remember it to have been very exciting to read, going to have to think about it again.
Many people have tried to infuse social-political-ethical and religious meanings into it.
In school, the discussions were endless.
The author discounted all these theories and remained steadfast,
 it was just a story told to his children at night.

See my birdbath. Birds are loving it!

I say, Watch the rabbits and...

Don't over-think life, just live it!

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