
Friday, June 21, 2013

Who's at the Feeder Fridays

Ok to give some structure to the summer, planning to start a couple of features. I have been drowning in end of the year events-which have been very fun, and work and other things. Our backyard feeders have been full and it's a wild-life alright. Sometimes I can't believe how many there are, all at the same time?
It's a blessing.

So on Fridays for those who want to check in- you will get to see who's been at our feeder?

I'm still here.
You still there?

Will announce more features as we go.
Share the Day.


  1. Ha! I love the caption under that photo. :-) I absolutely love seeing the birds at our feeders - and hearing their busy songs in the early morning.

  2. how lovely! I miss seeing birds! Thankfully I can hear them! (we live on the second floor and no bird feeders near by). blessed day to you!

    1. I'm glad you can still hear the happy song, it's good as long as you don't have a group of crackles roosting outside your window;)

  3. Neat! How did you get that photo?! Every time I try to get close with my camera the birds fly away!

    1. Hi Emily, I have a zoom on my camera, it's just a point and shoot type but gets the job done. The birds are pretty used to me being about, and I have actually been able to tend to the garden while they still are on the feeders.


Thanks for making a comment, and sharing the day.