
Friday, June 28, 2013

Who's at the Feeder Fridays #2-Lovebirds?

Cardinals must be like lovebirds.  

I have noticed where there is one, the other is nearby and often they fly everywhere together.
They usually are on parallel branches.
Take turns on the feeder. 

So sweet. I love hearing them call to each other.

Hey Honey-you ready?

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Candle Tray Redo

Found this great tray at the sales recently.
A whole $1, whoo hooo!

I cleaned it, planned to paint and wax it and then said, eh? It can wait, I kinda like it like this.

So I filled it with dollar store river stones and citronella candles.

It has all the elements I love for decor.
Texture, Scent, Pretty and Cheap!

Total Spent $3
What have you found lately?

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Monday, June 24, 2013

The Rock Garden

As I said before, I started early this year, I could not wait to get out there.  I am not a skilled gardener, but I'm learning. I love flowers, I love seeing them sprout and become fuller year to year.  I remember my parents garden's past, and my Yiayia's little garden, all so beautiful to look at, the softness of the geranium petals and the air around us filled with sweetness. I love the memories flowers bring back.


These offer a little taste of the flower gardens of my childhood, my parent's back and front gardens from many years ago, these pictures do not do them justice and certainly do not show you the roses!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Who's at the Feeder Fridays

Ok to give some structure to the summer, planning to start a couple of features. I have been drowning in end of the year events-which have been very fun, and work and other things. Our backyard feeders have been full and it's a wild-life alright. Sometimes I can't believe how many there are, all at the same time?
It's a blessing.

So on Fridays for those who want to check in- you will get to see who's been at our feeder?

I'm still here.
You still there?

Will announce more features as we go.
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just because they're so cute...

Ever wonder if animal mothers look at their broods and just go are so cute.

This chicken is called a "Frill."

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cello Wars

Just to smile and enjoy.
May the Notes be with you.

I know, I couldn't resist.
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Monday, June 3, 2013

Simple Birdbath

Birdbaths don't need to expensive or complicated. The birds just need a little water...
too much and they actually can drown.

I've seen so many different ideas in the Pinterest world of making birdbaths.
Beautiful creations out of concrete, layers of vases, hanging platters
 even some being repurposed glass plates glued to tall lamp bases.

Here's what I did.

Everything I had, and  it was easy.
I placed some flat rocks on top of each other and an old stump.
I still need to put a little rock in the middle, in order to give another place for them, to get their balance.
Later in the summer it will also help the butterflies. Although I may make them their own.
Organic simplicity?
Or just lazy?
Hey it worked! 
The little birds were able to get some water during the heat wave.
I'll go with repurposed ingenuity.

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