
Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Band Arrives

Well, the birds have come out in full swing, we have some old friends, the Robin couples and a striking Cardinal pair. The doves, woodpeckers, sparrows, finches and cowbirds are all here. Our little Hummingbirds haven't returned yet, it's quite late, they are usually around by late April. I don't blame them, the weather has been so labile, pretty cold at times, then 80 degrees?
We just had one more frost, hoping it is the last one?

Our garden is starting to take shape and the feeders are full. These bully boys are now regulars. We had one then two, then many more Blue Jays swoop in one day. I'm so glad, I was able to catch a picture to share with you. Their colors are so gorgeous, check out the Cerulean blue. Many blue jays together are called, "band", "scold", "cast" or a "party". These bully boys are a band if I ever saw one.

If you are wondering what's keeping me busy, these rocks are new and the garden bigger.
Adding soil and compost etc this week. I'll share soon.
For now, forgive two bird posts back to back.
Just had to share these bad boys.

O Blue Jay up in the maple tree,
Shaking your throat with such bursts of glee,
How did you happen to be so blue?
Did you steal a bit of the lake for your crest,
And fasten blue violets into your vest?
Tell me, I pray you,–tell me true!
Did you dip your wings in azure dye,
When April began to paint the sky,
That was pale with the winter’s stay?
Or were you hatched from a blue-bell bright,
‘Neath the warm, gold breast of a sunbeam light,
By the river one blue spring day?
O Blue Jay up in the maple tree,
A-tossing your saucy head at me,
With ne’er a word for my questioning,
Pray, cease for a moment your “ting-a-link,”
And hear when I tell you what I think,–
You bonniest bit of spring.
I think when the fairies made the flowers,
To grow in these mossy fields of ours,
Periwinkles and violets rare,
There was left of the spring’s own color, blue,
Plenty to fashion a flower whose hue
Would be richer than all and as fair.
So, putting their wits together, they
Made one great blossom so bright and gay,
The lily beside it seemed blurred:
And then they said, “We will toss it in air;
So many blue blossoms grow everywhere,
Let this pretty one be a bird.”
Susan Hartley Swett.


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  1. Neat! I'm waiting for my little humming bird to come back too. Crazy hot-cold weather!!

  2. I just saw him last night! But he doesn't like my feeder, may have to make the food sweeter?


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