
Friday, May 31, 2013

Catch up

Has it really been 10 days since I checked in to share the day, with you all?
I'm still here and all is well.
Lots happening and will try to catch you up.

Congratulations to all the graduates!
Welcome home to those coming home and fond farewells to those moving for the first or not first time.
Children around here are pretty excited that summer is upon us, too bad that school is getting out late this year due to all the snowstorms. Remember those? Hard to imagine now as we enter a heat wave. Wishing perseverance for all those in the Midwest and South, our prayers are with you.

Meanwhile back here at home...

All our springtime flowers now heading to summer.
And where do my thoughts and attention go for summer.
Well, the pallets, of course.

And to the garden...

And the new plants...

These were a craigslist find, free bulbs!!!
You can't tell but this box is huge!

The old weeds...

and to just being quiet and grateful.

Share the Day!


  1. Beautiful! What are you going to use the pallets for?

    1. Oh Michelle, I have had these for a while and keep meaning to get to them. I have serious plans at least in my mind-these are like my little mosquito, buzzing around me, teasing me, waiting to be finished. Will share with you soon what they become.


Thanks for making a comment, and sharing the day.