
Monday, April 29, 2013

Prayers and An Appeal: God Grant Them Strength and a Safe Return


Official Statement by the Patriarchate of Antioch

According to rules, if the petition reaches the 25,000 signatures threshold,
 the White House has to issue a formal written response. 


An appeal to President Obama and his government for the release of two abducted Orthodox Christian Archbishops in Syria.

An appeal to President Obama and his government for the release of two Orthodox Christian Archbishops, namely Archbishop Paul Yazigi and Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim, who were abducted by armed rebels on April 23, 2013 in the suburbs of Aleppo, Syria. The driver of the Archbishops was murdered and the Archbishops were forced by the rebels to go to an unknown location either in Syria or in Turkey.
We appeal to you beloved in Christ and peace loving people to sign this petition urgently asking the American administration to use all its influence for the release of these two Archbishops and to bring a peaceful settlement to this bloodletting Syrian conflict through a negotiated settlement.
Petition Created: Apr 27, 2013
Click here to go to the

 WE THE PEOPLE :Your Voice in Government Website

Please share the information regarding this petition.
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Lord Have Mercy


  1. Hi. It was a great idea to share this on a meme (is that what they call linky parties??) Anyway, I created an account and signed the petition. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Without a miracle from God, the administration who ignores the atrocities of Kermit Gosnell and praises an athlete for 'coming out of the closet' (lead story on ABC and NBC this morning) can't be counted on to help Orthodox priests in Syria. But we do have a God of miracles. Joseph's brothers, although acting out of their own sinfulness, were used of God to accomplish His purposes.

    I'm your newest follower.

    1. Thanks for signing the petition and for coming over to share the day!


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