
Monday, April 22, 2013

40 Days-40 Lenten Recipes #35 Stuffed Peppers (Yummy-sta)

Well, you can truly tell we are almost there, I am running out time, every time I turn around and check a clock I say, "Whaaaaat?" Followed by, "oh no!" So here is number 35 a day late, but still gooood.
We had a Lenten Get-together with our JOY families and I was so flattered when one of the Mom's told me her 12 y/o son couldn't wait to see what I was bringing? What a compliment! (blushing)
In Greek these are called, "Yemmista", meaning "stuffed."
Same Mom-friend calls these "Yummy-sta."

Simple Stuffed Peppers

6 cups cooked rice
vegetable bouillon
bay leaf
Assorted large size peppers and tomatoes
red onion
juice of one lemon
1 T oregano
1 T basil
1 T cinnamon
2 tsp garlic powder
28 oz tomato sauce
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup bread crumbs
salt and pepper to taste

Optional: use mushrooms, beans, apples and raisins.

Clean out your peppers and tomatoes.
Save the insides of tomatoes and mix with chopped onion.
Add half your spices.

This next instruction is going to create strife for some.
I cook my rice before baking, 
I know, I know, many people add uncooked rice
and cook them in the cups. 

While you are cleaning out peppers, cook your rice. 
Boil water with one bay leaf and veggie bouillon, 
then add rice of choice.
Cook for 18-20 minutes.

Once done, remove and mix with tomato/onion mixture.

Fill your veggie cups, dust with remaining spices, lemon juice and then breadcrumbs.
Pour over tomato sauce and olive oil.

Bake at 350 degree covered for 40 minutes.
Uncovered for 15 minutes or so, on low broil.

Share the Day!

Routine post on track for later today.

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  1. This recipe looks delicious! Thanks for sharing. New Follower.


    1. Hi-thanks for joining to share the day-glad you're here.


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