
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

40 Days-40 Lenten Recipes #24 Baked Veggie Casserole

Baked veggies need not be a purely summer thing or a winter thing. This dish was one of our Mom's go-to dishes, when needing to feed the family during lent, or needing a healthy side dish. Winter or Summer it is one of our faves!

Baked Veggie Casserole

2-8 Zucchini, sliced thick, green or yellow
1-2 Spanish onions, sliced thick
3-4 beefsteak tomatoes, guess what, sliced thick
Juice of one lemon
3 T oregano
3 T basil
1 T dill 
2 T garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup olive oil
Optional-may include root veggies, like carrots, turnips or eggplant/green beans also yummy.

Assemble all in a deep baking dish, pour over lemon juice and spices and toss to coat evenly.
Drizzle olive oil over and toss again.
Bake at 375 degrees until tender.
Once or twice while it's cooking, take a baking spatula and turn them over,
so the veggies can cook evenly.
Don't stress if they don't, it's yummy anyway.

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