
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To Infinity and Beyond

Well, thankfully, I guess March is like a Lion and a Lamb.
I was able to finish the Infinity Scarves in time for Valentines. 
But, do you think I actually got them to the post office?

The colors of this scarf actually was really hard to capture, different rich shades of red.

A soft seed stitch creme cowl.
Very luxe.

So glad I can finally share these, 
as I really wanted the recipients,
to be the first to see them.

And how lucky we still needed them?

They were received in time for the last big blizzard and guess what?
They loved them!
So happy.

Share the Day!


  1. Lovely work! I bet they were so grateful to receive them! (Our weather has been SIGNIFICANTLY warmer down here...)

    1. Thanks, they were all very excited. Happy to make them and keeps me out of trouble, hee hee. Our weather has been so irrational. Hoping for some stability now, and waiting for the buds and sprouts. We are ALL waiting for it...Spring!

  2. Those are beautiful! I just taught myself to crochet, but I only made one scarf (for my daughter) because it is really warming up here. I think I'll make more in the late summer and early fall :)

    1. That's great! and Thank you. I really enjoy it, soon will have to try something with cables. I haven't tried that yet, or working with beads.

  3. Very nice! I am working on a bunch of scarves but realize that the weather is going to get warmer soon... or at least we hope :) So glad they were so loved!


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