
Sunday, February 24, 2013

No Mess Cupcakes

Things have been so busy around here, I've barely been able to catch my breath!
Forgive the slow and few posts.

I have a lot of projects all in the air, and unfinished, slowly they are getting there and will be ready to share them with you!

Trying to get as much done as possible and still get ready for Lent.

  Meanwhile, I hit upon a idea that made me giggle with how easy it was, 
and how it helped things stay tidy.  

I used my little pot to pour the batter into the baking cups.
I cannot believe I had not thought of it earlier.
The pot itself is called a "Briki" in Greek and is used traditionally for making greek coffee.
It comes in varying sizes depending on how many coffees you are making, and has a long handle.
Many afternoons have been spent drinking it with my family growing up, fun talks and lots of laughing.
Those times are so missed, and living far from them is not easy.
But, I am so blessed for my little family and our life together. 
I am not complaining, just a little self-indulgent reminiscing.

Anyway, look at how easy to pour, and photograph at same time!

Look! Nice and Neat!
I love it when I hit on something that makes for easier cleanup.

And this is how they turned out.
Not the best decorating I've ever done, but delish all the same.
All were chocolate cupcakes with the front ones having pink frosting and sprinkles
and the back, a soft pink meringue cookie, added by some melted white chocolate.
Recently I hosted a Valentine Inspired Coffee Hour at church, 
you may remember some of the same treats from my past tea party.

Share the Day!


  1. Beautiful! And what a nifty idea! (I hate the mess cupcake-making creates!)

  2. That. Is. Brilliant. I am totally putting my large ibrik to this use next time I need cupcakes or muffins.

    1. Thaaaank youuu. Is Ibrik how you say in Arabic? I have no idea what this little pot is called in english?

  3. Adorable! I love the cupcakes and I love the mess free idea! With two kids, we make a lot of cupcakes and this will come in handy! New to your delightful blog - will be back soon! Would love for you to come by mine as well!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and I will absolutely drop in on you!

  4. That little cup would come in so handy! I can ALWAYS make a mess when doing cupcakes - for some reason I struggle with them. Your cuppies turned out just beautiful! Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven to say hi.

  5. Απίστευτη ιδέα!!! Πολύ πρωτότυπο!!!! Και δεν γεμίζουν γύρω γύρω χαρτάκια και πάγκος!!! χιχι!
    Καλώς σε βρήκα!! :)

    1. Expharisto -Thank you, sorry I don't have Greek font on this computer. So excited you have found your way here, Kalos Eithes!

    2. I included your post in my post Βόλτα στη Γειτονιά #24 :)
      Have a great week!!

  6. What a great idea! I have a 4 cup measuring cup that I'm going to use next time I bake cupcakes!

    1. Thanks Jeanette. Try it and please write back and let us know how the measuring cup worked out. I really found this special little pot made all the difference-I think because it has a longer handle and was easy to pour with the spout. Glad you dropped by and hope to see you again!

  7. What a fantastic idea! I don't have that kind of pot, but I do have a French press which has a similar pour spout. I bet it would work! Anything that makes cupcake making less messy is a win in my book. :)

    If you haven't already, I'd love if you'd come join my How To Tuesday link party, too.


Thanks for making a comment, and sharing the day.