
Sunday, February 24, 2013

No Mess Cupcakes

Things have been so busy around here, I've barely been able to catch my breath!
Forgive the slow and few posts.

I have a lot of projects all in the air, and unfinished, slowly they are getting there and will be ready to share them with you!

Trying to get as much done as possible and still get ready for Lent.

  Meanwhile, I hit upon a idea that made me giggle with how easy it was, 
and how it helped things stay tidy.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 I've made mittens before, here is one of the previous pairs.
I wanted to make a larger set due to little hands growing, 
and it's just been sooo cold.

Check it out!

You name it, I did it wrong on this one!
It has to be the saddest little mitten I have ever seen.
I think it almost looks like a fish, eh?

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

I can't believe it didn't die

As you know I like to garden.  I do ok outside, you might in even remember last summer I had some beautiful results.  Indoors, is another story.  I have managed to lose every houseplant, tree, african violet, cactus, etc...

So, you can imagine my surprise this year, which became an excellent Valentine bonus.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Pancakes

Happy "Valentimes" Day

My little guy is a big guy now and doesn't say it like that anymore, 
but we still start the day with heart shaped pancakes!

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Friday, February 8, 2013

White Chocolate Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

Time to make more treats for my sweets.
Also another great thing to have on hand, as we hunker down for another major storm.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I've been Tweaked again!

Thank you to Brenda
for the Shout Tweak-Out,
for the post

Truffles, Cake Balls and Hearts Oh My!

 photo aiwasfeatured.jpg

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Fleece Crochet

Ok, I love fleece , the way it feels, it brings back a child comfort.
Making fleece blankets is so easy, esp. for kids.
We've made scarves, blankets, shawls this winter.

So sometimes we knot, above we knotted it short on one side, to make it look like a bow tie.

Sometimes we weave it, it's like crocheting it.
This here is the other side of shawl.
I learned it here, Lynn you are a genius!

And sometimes I fringe it.
Definitely easy.
Chunky fringe, thin long fringe, depends?
For a family picture this past Christmas, 
I made green scarves for the guys and the patterned one for the girls in the tribe.
Not perfect, but didn't Voltaire say, "Perfect is the enemy of the good."
There's no Nirvana fallacy in this house.

Lots of fun!
I think I'm going to get some Valentine fleece, who couldn't use a heart scarf?
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