
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Easy Peasy Appetizers Continued...

Happy 12 Days of Christmas!
Being that we are still in the happy celebrating place in the calendar,
decided to share some more thoughts for easy-peasy appetizer ideas.
How about...


Stuffed Peppapews

I used marinated mozzarella balls,
cut them in half,
 then placed them inside the peppapew.
What is a peppapew, you ask?
Just about the yummiest sweet pepper there is.
They are about the size of a cherry tomato
and have a teeny tiny kick to their flavor.
I've seen them both in the gourmet mediterranean bar area of grocery stores
and pickled in jars.


Jarlsburg cheese and Granny apple slices on a Triscuit cracker.

Both of these really complement the flavors of their partnered food
and are super-easy to make.
Who wouldn't love that combination?

Share the Day!


  1. I've never heard of peppapew's before, they look good. I am going to have to find them. Your cheese and apple looks good too. Great for New Year's. New follower, come follow me at
    Happy New Year's,
    Wanda Ann

  2. Thanks for sharing on Thrifty 101, you've been featured! We'd love you to stop by again and grab an "I was Featured" button.

    Michelle @ Thrifty101


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