
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Make your own Hummingbird feeder

We made a simple hummingbird feeder, 
using a plastic bottle, disposable food storage container and ribbon.
We used as much red as we could, hummingbirds LOVE red!

This is a well known kids craft. We thought we would give it a try.
We made a hole in the lid of the bottle, and another hole in the center of the lid of the container and four more holes in the corners of the lid.
Boil a simple syrup (2 cups of water, 1 cup of sugar), cool and place into the bottle.
(boiling the syrup, helps the sugar dissolve and makes helps ensure healthy water for the little bird)
Snap it all together.
Tie the string.

Do you see the hummingbird? 

He's beautiful! Black and shiny green, a Ruby- Throated Hummingbird.

Don't worry your eyes are ok.
He's been too fast to get a picture,
will keep trying.
He's been visiting once to twice a day.

That is if we can keep our scoundrel of a squirrel fiend friend from it.

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