
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Children's Bible Reader Online and Saints Alive Games

Thought I would share a resource that is truly a gift.  
Many may know of it, but there may be a few out there that may not.
These two sites were created by the awesome folks over at GOARCH.ORG (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Department of Internet Ministries.)

They have bible stories and games for all age groups and can also be used to supplement church school lessons.  I'm not sure why, but the children never want me to read the story, but will sit enthralled if it is read through the online reader, as part of a lesson and before a craft.  Sometimes we also have races who can complete different tasks, like placing the plagues in order.  
Current time to beat is 38 seconds, made by a first grader.


  1. Wow! Thanks for posting this! I hadn't heard of it. I can't wait to show the kids. (; Even the older ones will like it.

  2. I'm glad it's helpful, I know a lot of kids that LOVE it! It has a lot of content and fun activities. Enjoy!

  3. My hubby appreciates the unsolicited endorsement!

    1. Hey, when something is this helpful and great, we have to shout it out!
      So here's another shout out to the Internet Ministries Team, " You ROCK!".
      Good to know all those long hours really are worth it.


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