
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sunday School Teacher Gifts-Free Printable

It's that time again.
The time of year to express our gratitude to all those who work so tirelessly for the benefit of others.
Last year, these are the little tokens offered to our Church School to express the sentiment.

Here's how I made them.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Patriotic Hosta

Big Hosta divided.

Did this actually on Memorial Day Weekend last year! 
But just getting to post about it now.

When working on the front garden beds remember the big hot mess it was?
Trying to tidy it up and make room for the catmint, 
had me needing to work something out.

Well, I worked it and removed a huge hosta, I think it's called Patriotic Hosta.

I divided it into 7 pieces.
Yup that's right!
I got 7 new hostas to grow from one!
Yippee, nothing like free plants, eh?

Monday, May 18, 2015

If you're Greek...time to start thinking of festival season.

If you're Greek...or even if you're not...
it's time to start thinking of festival season.

Yes indeed it is.

If you are Greek or belong to a Greek Orthodox Church you know exactly what I mean. As soon as Easter/Pascha has been celebrated... the baking begins!

What are classic parts of the festival, other than the fantastic time with each other?

Well, there's the food.

And then there's the food.

Umm, did I mention the food?

There's the dancing and music.

Then, there's the Agora (the village store). 

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Return and Bloom Day Combined

One nice thing of returning after a trip, 
is that sometimes something you have been waiting for, happens.

Our sweet hummingbirds have returned. There are three of them, two girls again and one boy who are frequenting the feeders. This year they are doing something new...

It is so sweet they are resting not up in the oak tree, but in the blooming azalea.
Here are a couple of pics.

They are so sweet and the colors of the azaleas this year are so vivid, after this long...long winter.

They do make me smile.

Share the Day

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sandwiches anyone?

Hello my friends, excuse my absence...
life occurs and my attention has been needed elsewhere.

One day I may share it all with you, 
but for now I will catalogue the last 3 weeks in our family as: 

one set of crutches
one emergency room visit (should of been two)
one hospitalization
numerous Xrays and CTscans of various body parts of different individuals
two surgeon appointments 
and a (YEH!) one new rolling walker

Needless to say, my sweet sister and I feel like this


Yes, a sandwich with a bite taken out for good measure.
Most appropriate image I could find.  We both need a vacation.