
Monday, February 24, 2014

Would you like to Guest Post for 40 Days-40 Lenten Recipes 2014 Challenge?

Last year I challenged myself to complete posting daily and offer to you all, 40 recipes for Lent.  

My hope was that it would help that ever present question, "what are we going to eat?" and I am always trying to answer that question. In fact, it is the question that led me to discover blogs in first place. Admittedly this season always brings with it, a sense of excitement and renewal. I am looking forward to Lent this year and returning to cleaner whole eating.  This year's lenten offering to you all, will focus on easy and healthy recipes and few other surprises.

Drum roll...offering 5 guest post openings . 
Would you like to be that guest?

If you would like to be a guest, please email me.  To be considered, please submit either a tutorial or recipe with at least one clear picture of the finished food item or activity.  If submitting a recipe it must be vegetarian or vegan to be considered. 

40 days Recap will be posted soon!
So send me an email and come over to Share the Day!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Introducing: From the Little Fields of Basil Bookshelf

Our family are avid readers and I am excited to announce a new feature here on Fields of Basil. Our son will be adding reviews of children's books to the blog, from his point of view.  You may not realize this but he has shared on the blog before, by providing ideas, helping with projects and at other times, providing the photography.
The books will be for the under 12 crowd.  


Four questions will be answered:
1. What is the book about?
2. What did you like about the book?
3. Was there a lesson learned?
4. Would you recommend this book?

Will be posting a new book review from time to time.
Watch for it!

Just another way to share the day.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

And so we begin...

One needs to distinguish a sinner from a penitent. If you have taken upon yourself the role to rebuke the sinner, guard yourself well, that you do not rebuke the penitent also. How dear the repentant sinner is to  God; call to mind the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Therefore, let it be very dear for you, he who has become dear to God.
Saint Nikolai Velimirovic

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fun Church Kids Game

Recently, I was asked to help keep our church kids group engaged for a short period of time.  
I thought about how to engage them that would be fun but informative.  
Also, wanted to help them expend some energy, as if you have ever been to Orthodox liturgy, 
the children have had to be patient for a long time.  
This time period was right after church school and so I thought of this game.  
It is reminiscent of the beach ball or balloons that used to be passed at our high school football games.
Yes, I went to a very fun high school. 
Do they still do this?

Anyway, I got a punch ball balloon from the dollar store and decided to write different  questions 
from easy to more challenging due to the age range of the children.
Some of the questions were just for fun, like "What's Father's name?"
This was my favorite question. Hee hee hee.

I tossed it to the first child and when they caught it,
they read the question in front of them and answered it.
If they were too young to read, I read it for them.
After they answered, 
they would throw it back into the air, 
then tap it towards someone else.
The kids had a blast.

I definitely will use this one again.
It was fun.
What do you all think?
What kind of games do you play?

Share the Day

Shared with

Monday, February 3, 2014

Miracles do happen-Always Respond with Love

Fr. Dimitrios Moraitis

You may remember a while back I introduced a book and was quite excited to give a brief review.  Well, the author of that book, who is an incredible person has had such an incredible experience. 

A miracle.  

10 Contenders for the Valentine Brunch Menu

The Planning of Coffee Hour Continues...

Well I have scoured my pinterest and my cookbooks and finally it is coming down to time.  I have to get everything made by Friday this week as I have an event on Saturday and as usual, I will be short on time. So getting it done between now and then, will be a definite challenge. 

Contenders to make it to the table include,
these two savory dishes Ham and Cheese Spirals and Tomato Basil Quiche.

This tomato basil quiche is from Tartelette, does it not look so delish?

Now onto the Sweets!