
Friday, August 23, 2013

Who's at the Feeder Fridays and Happenings

So summer is winding down, and we are heading into finishing our preparations for the start of school.
Some exciting events here, we have a baby red-tailed hawk in the backyard.  Mama and baby are too fast to catch via camera, but Mama Hawk is huge. We saw her land right in front of us and our kitchen window one day, after a terrified mourning dove was trying to get away from her and hit the window. So sad, would of felt better if she had taken it then, but it clearly died on impact, she wanted something more lively I suspect for her young.  We buried it, turning it into a good learning moment.  I had to scrub the window to get the mark off. I used a great mix of detergent, rinse aid and rubbing alcohol mixed with hot water. Scrub and rinse. Super easy.

In other news, the feeder has been busy, with the usual suspects.
Can you guess what this unidentified flying bird is?
I'm sure you can guess.

We have a pretty little woodpecker visit, thankfully back to the feeder and off the house. Have you ever been in the house when this bird starts on it? Very noisy.

Which brings us to the latest visitor in our house and the reason we have not slept in two days. An incessent thrill/buzzing sound so loud you want to pull out your hair. It's actually quieter outside. Yes, we fear somehow, at sometime in the past two days a cicada or something that makes a similar sound made it's way in. We have been searching, we have failed, we are tired. I now have a keener understanding and appreciation of those who suffer with tinnitus.
God help you all-It's not pretty. 

On a lighter note.
At least, Hijinx can still relax.
Look how I found him chillin on our patio. Looks like flat squirrel is back with the heat.

What's happening at your feeders and on your patios?
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Monday, August 19, 2013

How does your garden grow Monday-New Additions to our Indoor Garden

Hope you all have been enjoying the summer.
Here are a few of our late bloomers this year, our white Liatrus and one single Daisy is left.



Here are a few Dahlia's that are still about. 
Love these, will have to dig them up soon and store them away for next year.

My new Hibiscus given by my sweet neighbor before they moved, 
hasn't bloomed but is doing well. 
Will have to spray it before bringing it inside. 

Sadly, I had to move my beautiful Boston Fern outside and am not holding out much hope for it. 
Problem was I moved it in the first place.
New lesson, if your fern is happy, don't move it! 
Especially for the whimsy of home decor.  
I moved it from a spot in the hallway, to the bathroom, 
Admittedly, it did look gorgeous in there, for a little while.  
I thought it would have more humidity but as it was next to the wall,
 it clearly didn't have the air circulation it needed and one side died, followed by the remainder seen.  

Our indoor garden will miss the fern, if I can't nurture it back?
What we will have left, of course, 
our orchids, which are headed into hibernation mode, 
an aloe vera, and a lemon "not" tree, I'll get to this in the future.
But for some history you can check here and here and here.

on to our exciting news, 
we have also a three new additions to our indoor garden.
Two Venus Flytraps
and a Purple Pitcher Plant!
(Try saying that three times fast, found a new tongue twister)

They came in these plastic box terrariums and we took them outside and slowly adjusted them to the patio table.
They ate some, which was quite exciting, but then the flytraps started to turn black?
Concern/dismay and then after some reading, 
we came to these conclusions either the flytraps are digesting,
too tender to stay outside, or they got sunburned?
We decided to bring them back inside and make a new terrarium.
Was going to buy some apothecary jars, but I couldn't justify the cost, even at $12 each.
Decided instead to use round low vases, costing less than $5 each and  
 then cut the tops off our spring water bottles, lidless.
They fit perfectly, one inside and one on the outer edge of vase. 
These are working great.

I do plan on adding pebbles and moss to the bottom and eventually transplanting these fellows,
but figure they have been through enough stress, thus far.

If anyone has advice on the helping my fern or
 keeping these flytraps/pitcher plants healthy, 
share away.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sweet and Holy Mother of God

I originally posted this last year.
This picture was taken during the procession in the year 2011, 
it is one of my favorites, as is this Feastday. 
I cannot describe the aroma of the flowers as it passed me.
Full of Movement, Full of Peace, Full of Love.
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Know and remember that the matter of your salvation is always near to the heart of the Theotokos, the Mother of God, for it was for this that the Son of God, by the favor of the Father and the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, chose her out of all generations and was incarnate of her in order to save the human race from sin, the curse ,and the eternal death, or everlasting torment. 
As the matter of our salvation is near to the Savior, so likewise it is near to her.
Turn to her with full faith, trust, and love.

St. John of Kronstadt

Most Holy Theotokos, Save Us

Friday, August 2, 2013

New Book: Returning the Lost Sheep: Ministry to the Alcoholic and Addict, an Orthodox Perspective

Returning the Lost Sheep:Ministry to the Alcoholic and Addict, An Orthodox Perspective
Written By Fr. Dimitrios Moraitis

My husband recently received a copy of this incredible book.
I was so excited I absconded with it and then had to share it with you.
I read it almost in one sitting, it is engrossing, with a beautiful blend of Addiction medicine, Orthodox Christian Spirituality and a practical approach to helping those in need from a clergy perspective. Albeit, helpful to others also.  It seeks to "enhance your understanding of alcoholism and addiction, and give some tools in helping alcoholics and addicts begin their road to recovery." 

Fr. Dimitri has written from such an open and thoughtful place, filled with love and compassion for those suffering, and how this impacts not only their families, but also the clergy, who as in other situations also bear a residual. I became emotional reading it more than once, having known and cared for many also afflicted.  A fantastic resource for anyone interested in identifying those at risk, beginning treatment, the long road of recovery and healthy reintegration back into the community.

If you would like a copy, it is available at:

Please share this new resource.
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